[Ch 24]+(Clay's B-Day+Teacher Jordan)

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[2 Months Later]

Nile, Isaac, Emeric, and Hunter were preparing for Clay's 2 year old birthday.

And it will be Clay's first birthday as his 1 year was not celebrated as Clay is being kept a secret.

Hunter already known as Isaac told him about the existence of Clay.

Making a list, Nile had been planning on having a private birthday party for Clay at a nice restaurant.

Nile is unnerved if someone from his school sees Clay and it would be suspicious where Clay came from.

With Nile...

Nile is in good health thanks to Maisha.

'Maybe I should invite Miss Maisha', Nile thought about it.

However he didn't know how Maisha would react to Clay and might end up erasing her memorial for Clay's safety.

Nile is cautious with the situation.

With Maisha...

Maisha got a notification from Nile.

'Whay did he message me', Maisha thought about what Nile is messaging him.

Nile: Good morning Miss Maisha, how is your day right now?

"I'm doing fine, what did you message me?", Maisha texted back.

Nile: Well... I wanted to invite you to a kids birthday party

"Kid's birthday?", Maisha is confused and texted.

Nile: I'll tell you, I wanted to invite you to the little ones birthday and hope to join the birthday party.

"Ok? My curiosity is still up so can you give me the address on where the birthday party will start", Maisha.

Nile: Alright! The address is
(Louisia. St) that is a little far from Aubrey Academy, it would take a few 38 minutes to reach the restaurant

"Right, I will be there", Maisha, putting her phone into her bag.

With the group at the (Louisia. St).

Everyone was at the round table and there were less people inside the restaurant.

Isaac is sitting beside his boyfriend Hunter, Clay is sitting in between Emeric and Nile at the other side of the table and food was on the table and gifts were under the table as the table couldn't fit the gifts.

They were excited and Maisha had come in and greeted the students and the students greeted back at the nurse and to her surprise to see Clay for the first time.

Maisha sat beside Emeric.

"So shall we start?", Hunter said and it made Isaac wagged his tail in excitement.

And so the birthday party begins.

Everyone had a good time and so did the birthday boy.

Maisha had been asking about Nile who Clay is and Nile is nice and whispered except the dragon part.

It made her surprise that Nile adopted Clay and kept him a secret except for Isaac, Emeric, and Hunter.

Maisha wanted to find the lie but Nile's eyes didn't look away from her eye contact.

And Maisha thinks that Nile isn't lying about him adopting Clay.


Clay had opened his gifts that are toys, books, and more it made Clay happy for the simple gifts that were given for him.

Hunter had been doting at Clay and it made Isaac a little jealous but he was not angry with it.

Then Emeric and Clay ate some cake that the flavor is vanilla that Clay likes to eat with candy fruit as decorations on top of the cake.

With Jordan...

Jordan is the first year teacher of Nile.

And he had a meeting with the teachers about the guard being drugged which was an issue.

The culprit has not been found yet and the announcement about it in school will be posted on the Aubrey Academy page.

Jordan had a lot of headaches from his new students that were more childish than the previous students who are now second years.

Then his phone rang and it was his wife Marianne and he of course called back and was greeted by the voice of Marianne.

Marianne: Honey

"Hey sweety sorry if I'm not there right now, I'm busy with the student cards", Jordan told Marianne.

Marianne: I know, I'm just checking on you and how you are doing at work in Aubrey Academy as usual

"How is Nathan and Jay?", Jordan asked about his two children.

Marianne: they're doing well... They too miss you and I've been talking a lot with them about your hard work to make them understand

"Thank you for taking care of the kids", Jordan thanked his wife for the situation with the kids.

Marianne: Your welcome~

Jordan smiled as his wife's voice was lovely to hear and heard the kids too at the other side of the phone call.

He said goodbye to his wife and kids, turning off his phone and continue to check the student cards.

Back with the group...

Clay had been bright and bubbly with his first birthday party that made him smile bigger than ever.

And Nile lied on how old Clay is as Maisha is question him.

Relief washed over Nile's entire body.

Clay can grow up slightly fast and Nile has been observing Clay's growth sometimes.

'Am I a good father.... To Clay?', Nile thought about himself and wanted to spend more time with Clay as he had been 2 months taking a break from him and Aaron.

Nile frowned with that part and didn't want to be an idiot father figure to Clay.

He would have to put it aside, Nile didn't want Clay to see him in a low mood and join in the birthday party.

With Victor...

Victor had been looking around the Aubrey Academy and didn't know where Nile is as he had been searching and tried to sneakily enter the Alpha's Dorm.

However the guards caught him and was sent to the principal and was scolded for his actions.

Even Victor was a prince, he was a student at Aubrey Academy and is not allowed to do anything recklessly go into places that are not allowed.

The principal gave Victor a warning to never to go to the Alpha's Dormitory.


Victor gritted his teeth more.

'Where is Nile?!!', He thought on where is Nile right now.

And he will be scolded by his father about what he did of trying to enter the Alpha's Dormitory, his father will be disappointed.

For such actions.

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