[Ch 33]+(Phone Numbers+Dinner)

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[Afternoon]+(Time 2:16 P.M)

Nile and Vincent had a long chat and getting along pretty well and Clay started to have a liking to Vincent.

And Nile invited Vincent to his house however the walk was awkward because they didn't know to say.

What should they say?

The atmosphere was really tense.

Clay was naive and didn't know the awkward and tense atmosphere.

Riko on the other hand watching scene with intrigue.

"Sooo... Nile which university are you going too?", Vincent asked a simple question out of his mouth.

The tension faded and Nile said."I'm going to Celestial University".

"That's good", Vincent said who was a little impressed."I'm also enrolled to the Celestial University".

"Oh... The reason would be that I'm going to inherent the Hostil Company from my mother", Vincent said.

"I see then", Nile replied back to Vincent.

[Hours Later]+(At Nile's Apartment)

[In The Living Room]

"This is your apartment? It's looks nice", Vincent questioned.

"Yeah it's near Celestial University, where's your apartment by the way Vincent?", Nile told Vincent.

"A little far and it's more of a house then an apartment", Vincent who seemed to be sighing about it.

With Clay and Riko.....

[In The Bathroom]

Clay is at the bathroom watching Riko swim in the bathtub without bubbles.

It's dangerous for Riko as he might swallow the soap while swimming underwater within the bathroom and end up getting killed.

"Clay what do you think Nile and Vincent are talking about?", Riko show as curious about it.

"I don't know", Clay shook his head.

"Ok? Can you use your magic to make water animals?", Riko asked politely.

"Sure", Clay replied back to Riko.

Back with Nile and Vincent.....

[In The Living Room]

Vincent drank the juice that Nile had made and is liking the sour and sweet flavor of the juice.

"It's good you're really amazing at making drinks", Vincent complimented Nile.

"Yeah i do a lot of things in cooking, baking, and making drinks or etc", Nile said as he was drinking a strawberry drink that is squeeze from fresh strawberry.

"I'm really impressed Nile since your an Alpha that is really good at making food and drinks, you'd be a good Alpha Husband to an Omega Wife, other Omega's will probably drink vinegar", Vincent said who was savoring the drink.

"What are you implying? Vincent", Nile asked and his brows roused up on what is Vincent is saying.

"Well if you marry an Female or Male Omega wife some omega's would get jealous, I've seen scary Omega's who will do anything to marry the Alpha they wish to marry", Vincent said and told Nile." I have to add that Prince Victor Rias had been looking everywhere for you".

"Victor Rias?", Nile said and is confused why Victor is still looking for him.

"Yes, Victor Rias", Vincent replied back Nile's words and added."He hasn't stop looking for you, Nile you have to be careful and not the prince find you".

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