[Ch 34]+(Isaac's Gift)

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[3 Days Later]+(Present Time)

Nile had went to therapy and had been talking a lot things out of his mind except of his previous life.

The therapist was a Female Alpha that he has been talking to.

There are many questions that the Female Alpha had been questioning Nile about on what was his real problem.

Nile made some truth and half-truth when answering her question.

The Female Alpha's name is Lucia Lone who is a psychological therapist since she was 19 years old.

Lucia Lone is 128 years old.

He felt relief in releasing all the burden within him and he wanted to let go of his previous family.

Clay is outside of the room, playing a shooting game online using Nile's phone.

[Hours Later]+(Outside Of The Building)

"Isaac's birthday will be coming soon", Nile thought and sweating as he didn't know what type of gift he will be giving Isaac to his birthday/surprised party.

He had zero clues on what gift he will be giving.

Anxious about it as he needed to hurry however he can't stress himself to much and relax and think.

"Dad?", Clay who called out Nile.

"Hm? Sorry Clay I was thinking of something about Isaac's Surprised Birthday Party", Nile told Clay.

"What's the problem Dad?", Clay asked his father/Nile in curiosity.

"Ah it would be Isaac's gift and I didn't know what gift what Isaac would like", Nile told Clay with honesty.

"We should go home first!", Clay suggested.

"Ok? We'll walk since our apartment is not far away", Nile said to Clay.

"Yeah!", Clay exclaimed.

They need to find a gift before the Isaac's Surprised Birthday Party.

With Emeric.....

Emeric has been talking with Hunter about making a surprised birthday party for Isaac.

That Isaac didn't know this since they had to keep it a secret.

Hunter did all the planning and for his boyfriend's birthday party and had some distractions to make sure that Isaac didn't know about it.

Emeric is talking with Hunter more about the decoration before the surprised birthday party.

[Nile's Apartment]

"I'll make Isaac a scarf instead", Nile who had been thinking for a while was able to think what gift that Isaac will be getting.

The scarf would that would have Isaac's eye color.

Clay was the one that suggested the color pallette for the scarf.

Nile was determine to finished knitting the scarf made out of soft cotton that would take an hour to finished.

[Hours Later]

Clay approved the scarf because it was well made thanks to the book that he gave to Nile.

Nile's hands were exhausted but it was worth it as he finished making the scarf without stopping.

"Want Juice, Dad?", Clay went to the kitchen and brought a tray of cold apple juice.

"Thanks Clay for the drink", Nile said with a smile and grabs a cup of apple juice from the tray, Clay puts the tray on the table and drank some apple juice just like Nile.

On the sofa where they were relaxing.

Nile put his entire knitting items away and as he didn't want the needles nor the ball of yarn to be everywhere scattered in the living room.

Afterwards Nile asked Clay to get the items to wrap the scarf.

Clay understood and went to get the things upstairs.

Nile shaked his hands as his hands were aching from the pain of knitting the scarf that is subsiding.

He might have put to much pressure in knitting a perfect scarf for Isaac.

Clay came back with the things to start wrapping the scarf into.

"Can I help, Dad?", Clay asked Nile.

"Of course", Nile replied back to Clay and they both help out on wrapping the birthday gift.

Riko on the other hand is watching the entire scene and is eating a king crab.

It's like eating popcorn and watching the show/cinema.

Riko didn't have anything to do anyway and is peacefully happy with unlike his previous years living in the ocean.

'How long has it been?', Riko thought and didn't know how old he is right now and didn't know if other mermaids and mermans had survived.

He remembered everything's before he was unsealed by Nile.

There were a lot of mermaids and mermans that had gone instinct because of a tyrant who cause the stirring.

Many people had died.

Riko sealed himself away before he could die and his mana was drained and enable to unseal himself.

He was glad that Nile unsealed him with his own mana which Riko had drained from Nile's large mana reserves.

Riko watched Nile and Clay done with there wrapping.

The wrapping paper is color white with cute puppies on it and a red bow to top it all off.

Nile went to put the gift somewhere that it won't get crippled or torn so he put it into his spatial pocket.

"I'm gonna heat up the left over pizza', Nile said as he was hungry and takes the tray and cup and went to the kitchen.

"Ok, i'm gonna put this things away", Clay said who brought the things use a minute ago.

Clay somehow had slightly matured in a few days that Nile started to notice the maturity in Clay.

'I can't treat Clay as a child when he grows even further', Nile thought as he put the frozen pizza into the microwave.

He can't treat Clay as a little child.

Nile watched Clay walking into the kitchen with a sketchbook and color pencils.

Sitting down on the chair in the dining room that is beside the kitchen and started drawing to skip his boredom.

Nile on the other hand is reading something in the internet and there is a news about a protest because of racism.

'Oh', Nile is surprised about it.

One of the alpha's in insulted a male beta which led to a large protest that couldn't be controlled.

The police were frightened by the large riots that are protesting.

The imperial emperor had been doing his best calm the riot as best as he can.

Nile shake his head and it was not his business further more the Alpha that cause the largest insult would probably be punished for the Alpha's consequences.

[Thank You For Reading]

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