[Ch 57]+(Magic Control+Naming The Baby)

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[Nile's Apartment]:[Balcony]

Nile is right now sitting and had been conversing with Junie on the phone.

Junie had been concerned and apologized that she didn't call back as she was busy taking care of the children in orphanage.

He understood about the matter.

Before Nile turn off the phone, Junie said to be careful and not to stress himself to much.

Then he turned off his phone.


Nile sighed because he will have to train himself mentally and control his large magic deserves.

Suggested by Mallory.

She said to him.

"Nile you need to train yourself in a way you will be able to balance your body and mind because the only thing that is not balance is your mental power, your mental power is weak"

"You are only right now able to control half the portion of your magic and if you are able to strengthen your mental power you will be able to control completely your magic power"

'I only control half of my magic power', Nile thought and look at his hand and glowed white.

'Maybe Riko will be able to help me', He thought as Riko is good in controlling his own magic power unlike.

He use his magic for life conveniences in his daily life.

With Clay.....

Clay was allowed to go out of the apartment building and roam around the hallways that were empty.

"Where should I go first?", Clay thought as there are 5 floors in this building and Nile, Clay, and Riko lives at the second floor.

Being curious since he hasn't explore's the 3/Third-4/Fourth-5/Fifth floors above.

He went to the elevator and press the number five button and the elevator ding and closed as the elevator was moving up.

[Location]:[Fifth Floor]

The elevator open and Clay went out.

Afterwards the elevator closed from behind him and looked at the side.

He walked to the exit stairs and went up to enter the rooftop of the apartment building.


Clay was on top of the rooftop and breathing the air.

The air on top of rooftop and took a deep breath and exhaled it out.

"What should I do today?", Clay thought as he was thinking for about seconds or minutes more.

"Right I haven't finish reading the books", Clay who had his own spatial pocket and grab the books out of it.

[Healing Properties Of Water]

[Blood Control Magic]

[The Bodies Of Water]

Clay was reading all the books that he needed to know and how to get stronger with his water affinity magic.

He wanted to be strong to protect his loves and father who always gets into chaotic situations.

Before he could start doing training and do magic.

Clay created a magic barrier to make sure that no one saw him use amount of magic.

It would cause huge attention if someone saw him perform magic that is different.

"Alright Let's Begin!", Clay who was excited and determine.

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