[Ch 19]+(Popularity+Hanging Out)

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Nile is not in a good mood.

It's because of his popularity as many Omega's had been looking at him when he went outside of the school grounds.

He had done a lot of things, Nile guess his naiveness never noticed that his popularity is sky high.

What should he do?

Nile doesn't want to cause trouble nor wants to gain even more attention.

And Prince Victor is annoying him.

It's gonna be a long day.

[2 Days Later]

At the library.....

"Sir Nile's what are you doing?", Victor asked and tilted his head.

Nile didn't say a word and is annoyed as Victor keeps pestering him.

"You're not gonna say anything are you?", Victor is annoyed at Nile ignoring him.

He didn't say anything and continued to ignore Victor until someone came in.

"Nile are you in here?", Someone said in which Nile shifted his head and called his name.

"Aaron?", Nile called his name.

Victor felt killing intent and was frightened as he saw Aaron standing behind him.

"Your Royal Highness, you'd be aware that you're an Omega shouldn't be around Alpha's", Aaron told Victor.

"Oh I forgot! I guess I will be going then", Victor said in a cheerful voice as he left.

Once Victor has left Nile and Aaron alone.

"Thanks Aaron", Nile is thankful that Aaron was here to make Victor leave.

Aaron jittered by Nile's words and said back to him.

"Your Welcome", Aaron said in a calm tone and is happy within as he was alone with Nile.

He closed the book and stood up from the chair but he left the book on the table.

"Since you helped me, I wanted to repay you with food I'm paying", Nile said to Aaron.

"Sure? I haven't eaten anything yet", Aaron replied back.

With Emeric....

In Emeric's dormitory...

Emeric is watching over Clay as he was allowed to take care of the little child who is dra

"Where do you think Nile is right now?", Emeric asked Clay where Nile is right now.

Clay has spiritual connection with Nile so he knows where Nile is.

"Dada is with Aaron", Clay told Emeric.

He was surprised as Nile is with Aaron.

Back with Nile and Aaron...

Nile had bought some sandwiches from the cafeteria.

And he is eating with Aaron who was eating a roast beef sandwich and Nile is eating a tuna sandwich.

"Do you like eating roast beef sandwich, Huh?", Nile said and eating his tuna sandwich.

"Haha yeah", Aaron lightly laughed and smiled at Nile.

It surprised Nile stunned as Aaron laughed and smiled but he didn't say anything.

He likes seeing smiles.

With Victor...

Victor had been gritting his teeth again as Aaron had just to come in and ruin his plan to marry Nile.

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