[Ch 39]+(Shocking News)

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[2 Days Later]+(TimeSkip)+[Present Time]

The two days and the riot had died down and the beta's who cause the trouble were now doing community service in cleaning the mess that they made.

The police were watching them and made sure they didn't escape from community service.

Nile is glad that nothing serious happen to him and his family and texted his friends that he was alright.

Which they responded back with a sighed of relief.

Clay was able to go out with Nile and Riko with him and they went to the supermarket district beside the shopping district.

They went on buying some fresh vegetables, meat, seafood, fruit, and spices from the supermarket district.

Their were less people walking and buying in the supermarket district and Clay had been helping out.

It's good to be able to walk outside without worrying of another riot happening.

Because the Alpha who cause the chaos had apologize in public.

It was a humiliation for the Alpha as apologizing is considered to lower the Alpha's status in the eyes of the Alpha Society making him look weak.

Nile didn't feel sorry for the Alpha as it was his own fault no one else.


They continue shopping.

With Emeric.....

Emeric has been punching the punching that in his house.

He doesn't want to be weak and wanted to train himself on how to fight and is really determine.

With ferocious punches and didn't notice his hand was bleeding until he felt a slight pain and noticed blood in his hands.

Emeric had hurt his hands to much and called the servant.

The servant saw Emeric's hands bleeding and went to get a healing potion from the cabinet.

Back with Nile, Clay, and Riko.....

'Hunter?', Nile glance at the message while they were sitting on a bench in Blossoming Park.

Clay was resting and playing online game and Riko on the other hand is eating a hotdog with ketchup and mustard.

Nile was in shocked on what he read and couldn't believe it.

How can that be?

Hunter was pregnant.

Reading the message repeatedly and responded back with a congratulations towards Hunter.

And Hunter added more info on how he got pregnant which Nile now remember that Isaac and Hunter were so drunk on Isaac's/his birthday party that he might have.

Ahem..... Got Hunter pregnant without using condoms.

They did it and soon enough Hunter vomit and it was the signs of pregnancy that Isaac was actually happy that Hunter was pregnant.

Isaac wanted to have a family of his own and it was a great news for him to hear that Hunter was pregnant.

Hunter had blocked Isaac about the topic.

The reason was it made Hunter reddened or blushing beet red on the face as he didn't want to do the baby making as he was to shy about it.

Well it happen so fast and Hunter was happy that it had gone through with the process without knowing what happen.

Since they were both drunk.

Nile think that it was good and they were going to keep the baby.

However the wedding will start when both Isaac and Hunter graduate from their university.

From what Hunter told him that he would be staying at home since his pregnant an would go a module instead of going to class.

And be careful about the migraine as it would not be good for the babies health.

Nile turn off his phone and stood up along with Clay and Riko.

Riko throw the white paper tray that had the hotdog a minute ago and into the trashcan the white paper tray.

Afterwards they went walked around the Blossoming Park that Clay was so thrilled to see the beautiful "Blossoming Crystal Tree".

This is where Nile distracted Isaac before the birthday party started and Nile really started to get nostalgia about it.

With someone...

Victor had been stalking Nile and is gritting his teeth on who the purple haired male omega is.

He had never seen him indeed and was more beautiful.

Victor hated it.

And Nile is talking with the Male Omega(Riko) and it made Victor's mind tension up with many conclusions flooding in.

When he thought about intervening but it would ruin his reputation as a perfect Omega in the eyes on many people.

If he did something scandalous just like Laverna Gartion did.

It would be over for him and didn't want to end up in an arranged marriage with someone else he didn't like.

He wants to get near Nile and win his affection.

Victor is truly in love with the odd alpha Nile and wish to win Nile's affection.

But soon enough one of Aaron's spies was spying at him and it pissed him off and knew that he wouldn't be able to get near Nile because of Aaron.

Unlike him who is weak, Aaron was born strong because of his gender and Victor was jealous and wish he had that gender.

Back with Nile....

Nile felt a tingle and look around and is perplexed about what he was feeling as if someone he knew was watching him.

But he ignored it and continue to converse with Riko about some things that didn't really add to the topic.

At least they were able to converse with something they had little to know and it was awkward that Clay was aware.

So the topic was change go lighten up the mood and Clay joined in to make things even better.

There were a lot of laughs and it made things better when Nile suggested on going on a karaoke.

Nile wanted to have fun.

Clay and Riko agreed.

It would be good for Nile and Riko go know more about each other since they've not fully know each other even thought they live together.

Not a in a romance relationship more of a roommate relationship and not to misunderstood anything.

They have no interest with each other and unlike Nile who has no interest with anyone.

Riko was interested in Emeric who was a sea creature just like himself.

Nile was curious on why he was so interested in Riko about the topic but he didn't tell Nike because it was a secret.

[Thank You For Reading]

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