[Ch 10]+(Beast Hunt Over+Memory)

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[2 Days Later]+(In The Spaceship)

Nile is relaxing inside the spaceship along with Isaac.

They had take Emeric to the clinic and the doctors were able to scan his condition and found sleeping dust that was now removed.

Emeric has woken up and is in good condition who is resting at the clinic.

"How many beast cores did you have?", Isaac asked Nile.

"It would be 47", Nile answered back.

"That's good!", Isaac said in a happy tone.

"So Isaac... I want to know why you were able to read body language?", Nile asked his friend.

"Oh... That part...", Isaac said and is frowning.

"Because I don't trust my family", Isaac said with a gloomy voice and expression.

Nile frowned hearing that Isaac doesn't trust his family.

"Did something happen between you and your family", Nile said in a calm tone.

"My parents want me to be a match with an Omega I don't love... So I cut contact with my family, I was able to read body language since I was still 6 years old", Isaac explained and exclaimed to Nile.

"I was not able to make friends before entering the academy and when I met you... ", Isaac whose mood has slightly lightened up.

"I'm your first friend", Nile added with a genuine feeling.

Isaac looked at Nile.

"Yeah", Isaac said and has a genuine smile on his face and he was tearing up.

"Why did you tell me your past?", Nile asked him.

"Because you're the only person I could trust", Isaac answers Nile about it and wipes his tears.

Nile did not want to see Isaac cry anymore so he hugged Isaac who was surprised by Nile's hug.

But Isaac breakdown and started babbling about how terrible his family is.

Nile listened and didn't say a word and is comforting Isaac.

With Hunter...

"Should I text them instead?", Hunter thought as he was holding a phone of his and wanted to text or call Nile.


He felt a one sided feeling out of nowhere.

'Do I truly like Nile?', Hunter thought about his feelings for Nile.

Gripping the phone in his hand he was having complex feelings.

Hunter shook his head and put the phone into his pocket and maybe met them later and brought some suppressant on the way.

Back with Nile and Isaac...

Isaac finished crying and his face was flushed and wiping his snot using a tissue.

"Thanks for the tissue", Isaac said whose eyes were slightly hurting and red.

"You're welcome and do you need anything?", Nile asked Isaac if he needed something.

"No, I don't need anything right now... Maybe a cup of water", Isaac said to Nile who took out a bottle of water and gave it to Isaac.

Isaac opens the bottle and slowly drinks and gulps the water down his throat.

[2 Weeks Later]+(Back At The Aubrey Academy)

The mecha has been finally built and made Nile extremely happy and had been wondering when the egg is hatching.

Nile is at his dorm right now.

"When are you going to hatch?", Nile said towards the egg that is not moving.

It was an egg and Nile didn't know when it would hatch.

Nile blinked and was starting to get bored when he heard his phone rang in his pocket.

"Huh? Oh it's Hunter", Nile said and hasn't seen Hunter for 4 days now.


"Hunter?", Nile.

Hunter: Oh hey Nile... Sorry if I hadn't appeared to visit you and Isaac, how is Isaac anyway?

"Isaac is alright and what were you doing this 4 days?", Nile.

Hunter: I couldn't come since you know there are Omega's fighting over you and Isaac...

"Right the Omega's trying to match themselves to the Alpha's that had survived from the beast hunt", Nile.

Hunter: Yes and I'll maybe call Isaac

"Hm", Nile responded.


Nile turned off his phone and afterwards he went to the kitchen to eat some mochi in different colors.

As he did and brought out some sweet chocolate milk and poured it into the transparent glass.

Then he went back to his room and laid on his bed as the egg on the other hand is on the carpet floor wrap in a clean blanket of his.

Nile then falls asleep faster than expected.

[Warning: Gore]

[Dream World]

Nile is sitting inside his old bedroom and is drawing a picture of his mother and older brother.

However the father was not added in the drawing since he never met his father.

'What I'm I doing?', Nile thought and is confused a little bit he realized it was one of his memories.

Nile let go of the crayon and looked around his old room from his previous life.

Outside of the bedroom...

He walks out of his room and looks at the small hallway.

"Mom... Big Brother?", Nile called out his family.

But no one responded.

Nile felt a chill down his spine and is breathing heavily from fear.

He went to his older brother's bedroom and twisted the door.

When he opens the door.

His heart drops cold seeing a horrible scene.

There was blood splattered everywhere and in horror, Nile found his older brother on the ground as his slith neck was gushing with blood.

Nile couldn't scream as he ran out of the room and looked for his mother.

"Mama? Mama!?", Nile called out his mother and went down stairs and behold a scene of his mother hanging on the ceiling as there was a rope attached to the ceiling and around her mother's neck.

And there was blood in her hands.

"No no no no no no no no!", Nile didn't want to remember this scene and tearing up and fell to the ground.

He was alone.

[Real World]

Nile jolted from his sleep without a scream coming out of his mouth and gasped for air.

"Haaaa~ haa... haaa..", Nile gasped slowly and clutching his chest tightly and slowly composed his sanity and scanned his surroundings.

Nile eyes were scrambling and sat up as he was dripping with sweat.

His memory of his dead family was not a memory he wanted to remember.

It was too horrific for him.

[Thank You For Reading]

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