[Ch 32]+(Shopping District+Familiar Faces)

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[Next Day]+(Time 8:19 A.M)

Nile, Clay, and Riko(Riko is at the spatial pocket filled with water) are going shopping and Clay was excited as it was going to be his first time shopping with Nile.

The shopping district was large however there were less people walking on the street because of the summer heat.

[Aquatic Shop]

Nile had been looking around and reading a lot of pamphlets about underwater sea creatures.

And items that Riko would like, Riko is able to see what is happening outside of the spatial pocket with Nile's adjustments to his second spatial pocket.

Clay is looking around without touching as Nile told him a while ago before entering the shop.

There are chances he might break the item in the Aquatic Shop.

"Which section should we go to first?", Nile asked Riko who could hear him.

"That one", Riko said who pointed at the
accessory section beside the fish food section.

"Ok", Nile whispered "Ok" to Riko.

Clay went in first and was greeted by staff 4 who are organizing the accessories.

There were 6 customers inside that were thinking about what item they were going to buy for their pet fish or some type of aquatic animal.

Nile went looking around while Clay was holding a shopping basket and is behind Nile.

[1 Hours Of Browsing & Picking]

They had bought everything and the next thing they were going to do was eat.

Riko was fed with a small size meat crab for Riko to eat.

Nile and Clay went to a fast food place.

[Nekoya's Fast Food]

The fast food shop was cat themed with a cat mascot walking around and being a mascot.

Children along with their Alpha, omega, and beta parents taking pictures with the mascot who is posing with them.

[Minutes Later]

Clay is eating a burger that has a face cat on it.

'The drinks aren't bad', Nile thought as he was drinking black lemonade that he ordered from Nekoya's Fast Food.


"Huh?", Nile felt the ding of his phone and took it out of his pocket.

The one that texted him was Maisha.

Maisha: How are you doing Nile?... Did you schedule yourself for the therapist?

"I'm alright thanks for asking Maisha, I scheduled my therapy to be about 3 days", Nile texted.

Maisha: Hmm, good to hear Nile and how is Little Clay by the way? I haven't seen the little one for a while

"His doing well and we're eating at Nekoya's Fast Food", Nile texted on where they at right now.

Maisha: Oh Nekoya's Fast Food? Seems that you guys are enjoying yourselves

"Yes we are", Nile texted.

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