[Ch 23]+(Fainted From Heat)

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[3 Days Later]+(Present Time)

It happened to quickly for Nile.

As he open his eyes and is greeted by a white ceiling and didn't know what happen.

"Nile you're awake!", Isaac who had a concerning voice.

Nile made the bed creak a little from his own movement.

"Nurse Maisha, his awake! Nile is awake!", Emeric yelled in a hurry and said at Maisha who came quickly to check on Nile.

Maisha checked Nile's condition.

"You seem fine and your condition is stable", Maisha said to Nile.

Nile is confused and didn't know what happened before he grew dizzy and after that he doesn't remember much.

"What happened to me anyway?", Nile asked as he wanted answers and Aaron was not inside the clinic.

The three of them looked at each other.

"Nile you had gone into an unstable heat and was about to mark Aaron however you black out and fell into Aaron's arms", Emeric told Nile.

"Luckily Isaac carried you to the clinic", Emeric said.

"Mr. Nile you are prohibited from going to class for about 2 months and take a break as your health has slightly declined, I'll tell the teacher you will be absent and you can still do school work with modules sent to your dormitory", Maisha said and went to get an excuse letter from here desk.

"And Aaron had been held accountable for the incident and punishment for his actions and please avoid Aaron for your own good", Maisha added to her words that had a concerning tone and expression.

Hearing what Maisha said, Nile understood and frowning as never knew that he would get into a heat.

It made Nile's mouth have a bitter taste and shouldn't have become closed with Aaron at the beginning.

[Private Room]

With Aaron...

Aaron is being scolded by his father who was disappointed by his actions.

His father's name is Anton Strider but the mother is not present as she is long gone.

"Aaron, I didn't raise you to act bad things towards others, you made an Alpha go into unstable heat", Anton said towards Aaron who looked down and didn't dare to look at his father's eyes.

Anton is disappointed at his son who is mutated between an alpha and omega and using his omega pheromones at Nile.

"Father, I'm sorry it's just I like him and I didn't want other Omega's go take him", Aaron said in a honest words.

'Possessive', Anton thought of his son who had been possessive towards Nile who is right now at the clinic.

However Anton can't let his son cause more trouble and it would be bad to see Aaron in a terrible position.

With Nile...

Nile ate his mental essence pills that were made by him to heal his mental health and meditated inside his dorm room and Clay had grown a little.

He had been discovering more about his condition and Maisha told him that his heat would only trigger when an Omega sexually kissed or anything inappropriate that is sexual contact would trigger his heat.

And knowing this, Nile is fearing of being seduced physically he didn't want to be taken advantage of by an Omega or by anyone.

When thinking about it, Nile is nervous and anxious.

It made him frustrated in the mind.

His pathetic, a blood rank who couldn't fight back.

[Next Day]

Nile is being pestered by Victor again since Aaron was no longer here to protect him.

And he started disliking Omega's for their physical contact except for Hunter who is in a relationship with Isaac.

He would never hate Hunter since they knew each in their first year.

[Music Room]

He wanted to be alone and Isaac, Emeric didn't push him and they let him have some time of his own.

Nile is playing a piano.

[Music]-[Relaxing Sleep Music Sound of Spring Eliminate Stress And Calm The Mind Healing Piano]

The atmosphere was quiet and it made Nile feel relaxed once more and thought of the peaceful days he had.

'Alone feels nice', Nile thought but he didn't wanted to be completely alone.

Clay had fallen asleep on top of the piano and the music was like a lullaby.

But Nile had some mixed feelings towards Aaron after the incident.

Either way he didn't want to see Aaron anymore nor in the future.

With Emeric at the dorm room...

Emeric has been studying a lot lately and stood from his seat and went to look at the window.

The sky was dark and cloudy tonight and there were no stars nor a moon in the sky.

As it was covered by dark clouds.

'Hope, Nile is recovering from the incident', Emeric thought and pulled the curtains to cover the window and went to turn on the lights and go to bed.

With Isaac/Hunter....

Isaac had been texting Hunter and both were in a good mood to talk to each other.

And Isaac didn't forget to inform Hunter about the Nile and Aaron incident at the school grounds.

Which made Hunter was angry after hearing what Aaron had done.

But it was confusing.

Like confused as to why Aaron would do that to Nile.

And Hunter had a sneaking suspicion that Aaron is an Omega as he was able to make Nile go into heat.

A dangerous unstable heat would mentally damage an alpha as they would start hurting themselves and act like feral beast.

But for Nile he fainted instead of hurting himself or going savage like a beast hunting for its prey.

Luckily that Nile's blood rank didn't rank down as it would be bad for Nile.

Then Hunter had read more of Isaac's messages and each scrolled them down.

Hunter is friends with Nile's and he should do something helpful.

'I should give him some purple and pink candles that would be useful for him', Hunter used purple and pink when he is stressed out and maybe it could help Nile.

And Hunter would probably let Isaac give the candles to Nile instead of him and Nile will have to find a place to put the candles as they are dangerously flammable if made contact with anything made from paper, etc.

[Thank You For Reading]

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