[Ch 26]+(Planet Montana)

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[Music]+[Cake By The Ocean]

Today was summer day and everyone who graduated from there second year were allowed to have a 2 years summer vacation

2 years that is a long year for a summer vacation.

Nile had been informing his Landlord who is a nice old man named Jacob who is a black bear species.

After having a long talk and Jacob had said to Nile that he still needed to pay even if his away for about 2 Months.

He understood Jacob and he'll pay him using his own credit card.

[With Nile And The Group]

[Location]+(Planet Montana)

The planet was just like planet earth except the geography of the planet is different and the lands were in different places.

They landed at the tropical zone.

Everything was beautiful and many normal animals on the planet were just like from Nile's original world before he died.

Everyone went to their own beach house and unpacking their stuff putting it into the closet.

Clay was the most excited one in the group as he couldn't wait to play outside like a child would be.

However Maisha was not here as she is busy with her work at the academy doing paperwork.

With Everyone...

[Montana Tropical Island]+(Island Of Stella)

"The beach is beautiful as hell", Isaac said as he was wearing sunglasses and didn't want his eyes to be burned/blinded by the sun

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"The beach is beautiful as hell", Isaac said as he was wearing sunglasses and didn't want his eyes to be burned/blinded by the sun.

"Yeah", Nile is smiling and with a gentle expression as the beach was clean and didn't have any garbage and not it is polluted.

"Should we first look around? Stella is a large island with many places to visit", Hunter told them.

"I wanted to first swim and see what's underwater", Emeric said with a curious expression.

"Me too, I wanna swim!", Clay said to Emeric of wanting to join his underwater adventure.

"Uh huh I'm gonna stay on land", Isaac said and shudders remembering the beast hunt event.

Where he was chased by a walking shark.

"I'm gonna join with Emeric and Clay, you two can have more alone time together", Nile said while moving his brow as he hinted at the two of them.

Isaac and Hunter blush on what Nile said to them.

Emeric laughed because of their red faces and Isaac had to cover his face and Hunter looked away.

Clay was confused on why they were both red.

Afterwards, Isaac and Hunter went on their way in looking around the beach and the other three first stretched before entering the water.

Entering the beautiful waters not far from the beach.

Emeric and Clay were swimming underwater.

Clay is able to swim underwater because there are long dragons that are able to swim underwater.

Luckily Clay is not a fire dragon.

Nile swam near the two who were having fun swimming underneath the ocean.

'There is a nearby coral reef', Emeric thought.

Clay swam up from the water and exhaled and inhaled.

"Dad there is a coral reef here! Let's see it together!", Clay said and shouted to let Nile know and join him to see the coral reef.

"Alright, I'll come", Nile didn't refuse Clay's invitation and did not want Clay to be sad.

With Isaac and Hunter......

[Somewhere in the west of the island]

They were both walking at the beautiful sandy beaches while conversing with each other.

"Isaac, do you think this place is nice right?", Hunter asked.

"It's beautiful like I said a while ago however you're more beautiful in my eyes", Isaac said in flirted with Hunter.

Isaac had a cheeky expression on his face.

"Idiot", Hunter muttered and turned red tomato from Isaac's flirt, Hunter averted his eyes but he composed himself.

"Sha'll, we look around even more?", Isaac said as he handed out his hand.

"Of course", Hunter went along with Isaac's word and grabbed Isaac's hand.

And they both walked together and chatted even more like a couple.

Back with the three swimming near the coral reefs.

'So many tropical fish', Nile thought about the many beautiful sea creatures living within the coral reef as he used his magic to be able to breath underwater.

Emeric manipulates the water to make himself move faster underwater.

Clay on the other hand is collecting looking around at the colorful coral reef and tropical fish was swimming around instead of swimming away.

'The fishes aren't frightened nor scared by Clay's presence, Nile thought about Clay and wonder what the little dragons abilities are.

[2 Days Later]+(Present Time)

Back at the interstellar planet....

Aaron went to a military examination and was determined to pass the test.

And so he passed the test in 96 points which made him a valedictorian.

'Where is Nile right now?', Aaron thought on where is Nile right now.

He misses Nile's presence and feels like an idiot as he rushes himself too much.

Because his instincts made him that way wanting no one to take what he wanted.

It's better to be distant himself for what he did to Nile.

He wonder if he could meet Nile once again and apologized.

Back at Planet Montana...

[Barbeque Party]

Everyone were eating food at the beach and Nile is the one cooking barbeque.

They didn't need Hunter's servant to do the barbequing as it would be less productive of them.

It's laziness to be precise.

"The skewered chicken legs are now cooked", Nile said as they were all eating other food that was on the table and Clay has a big appetite.

"Yay! More food!", Clay with a cute childish voice and expression.

Nile gave everyone one chicken skewers as they ate the large chicken leg that was on their plate and drank some soda with it except for Clay who is drinking apple juice.

Kids at a young age are not allowed to drink soda, it's bad for them.

Everyone was eating and the music was not loud as the speaker was set into an average volume so that no one would feel uncomfortable.

It was playing a beach theme song in the background.

[Thank You For Reading]

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