[Ch 56]+(Hybrid Of Three Species+Birth Of The Baby)

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[Dream World]

"Can you explain again?", He said and confused on what about what Mallory told him.

"Alright I'll explain again Your a hybrid of three species to my surprised only your mental is affected not your body that probably would look like a deformed monster however do to your genetic code that you are able to attain a human form", Mallory told him.

"Your a breed of an arch angel, arch demon, and a corrupted entity that was supposed to go instinct long ago from 12,000 years ago and to be forgotten", She said.

'Someone is setting me up..... Did god do it?', Nile thought and thinks that this was insane.'It sounds ridiculous'.

Then something he had thought and said.

"Did you say 12,000 years ago?", Nile who said to Mallory.

"Yes, 12,000 but they went instinct after a large magic explosion from what I could tell", Mallory couldn't remembered and said back to Nile.

'Wait..... Does that mean Mallory is over a twelve thousand years old?', Nile thought about the little girls age.

Nile scanned Mallory from top to bottom and thought.

'Yep she's a physical and mental embodiment of a loli', Nile confirmed and is about disturb with the Loli topic.

So he decided to ignore it as he didn't want to delve deeper and continue conversing with Mallory.

"Mallory can you tell me what happen 12,000 years ago?", Nile asked Mallory.

"Sure! Oh it's a long story however I could only tell you the things I remembered years ago and I will probably explain why your mental health is the only thing that is affected", Mallory said and told Nile.

[Real World]

Riko and Clay are both within the room with Nile who is asleep and is resting.

Emeric didn't stay as he had studying and had tons of physical training to do, the trainer is not a patient man.

Clay use his magic to make a reflection and it was possible since he started studying about other types of magic that has something to do with his water/element affinity.

Looking at the reflection and couldn't help but admire on how he was able to create a water mirror.

'Can I do more?', Clay thought and read some books about it however what interested him the most was blood magic.

'When will dad wake up?', Clay is extremely concerned also while studying the magic boom about water spells.

Riko on the other hand is looking after Nile and talking with the nurse who came in, she going to check on Nile on how is doing.

[Minutes Later]

She concluded Nile is healing slower but she needed the doctor to know Nile's condition properly.

The nurse went out to inform and call the doctor so that she will be able to let the doctor check on Nile instead of her.

After she the room and closing it from behind leaving the three people in the room.

[At The Strider Family Household]

Aaron and his father/Anton were having a conversation.

".....", Anton was a little furious with what Victor Rias did however he couldn't blame Victor at all as Aaron indeed was one of Nile's stalker.

Victor did the right thing on telling Nile however it was an a wrong time because Victor told it at Nile and Aaron's first ever date

That escalated downward.

'i didn't raise Aaron to be a stalker', Anton thought and chilled down his spine and remembering he was in the same position as Nile.

He felt pity for Nile about his position.

"Father, what should I do?", Aaron asked and is gloomy and frustrated right now.

"You can apologize to Nile however there are chances that the relationship won't mend between the two of you", Anton said and told  as he continue to say."Maybe try to properly fix something before going out on a relationship besides their is plenty of time to heal".

Anton is not really good at making such words.

"Should I become friends with Nile?", Aaron said.

"Yes, since you and Nile don't know much of each other, it's better that you two should start as friends again", Anton told Aaron.

Aaron didn't want to be friends with Nile as he wanted a relationship.

However he had to listen and understood that that the entire thing should start at the bottom.

Being friends.

He hated that part.

[Another 1 Week Later]+[Present Time]

With Isaac and Hunter.....

Hunter gave birth to a healthy baby boy but the child had not yet been given a name since the child is born right now and the mother(Hunter) needed to rest.

Isaac had been looking outside the window and saw his cute little baby boy asleep and being monitored by the nurses inside the room along with the other babies.

The baby was born on November.

"Cute', Isaac muttered and smiled as his son was born cute once nursed by the nurses.

"I can't wait to name you with Hunter", He said with joy in his words.

Isaac is now a father.

And being won't be easy for Isaac at the start of being a parent.

With Nile.....

Has woken up and is doing well and heard from Riko and Clay that Hunter has given birth.

Which was sad as he was not their to support Isaac with the ordeal.

Hunter is doing well and healthy as he retrained his color after being pale while giving birth.

'Giving must be really painful', Nile thought and respected female and sub male(Omega).

"Dad you should rest more", Clay said and is sitting beside Nile on the bed.

"I know but I was excited after hearing that Hunter has given birth", Nile said with a smile.

"Does that mean I'm older brother like they said months ago", Clay said and is excited to meet the baby.

"Yeah however we couldn't see them right now, I'm sorry", Nile said and apologized to Clay with they're situation.

"It's okay dad! Besides their is more time anyway that we can see them, your health is needed to be prioritize right now", Clay said and told Nile.

"Mmm... Your right", Nile agreed on Clay's words.

Riko has been watching the two converse and couldn't help but smile at the scene of a father and son.

'How sweet and cute', Riko thought about the scene but it's more like a mother and son scene.

And he thought of Emeric, Riko wants to have a lovey-dovey with Emeric and maybe have a son or daughter in the future.

But Emeric has no interest in a relationship yet which Riko respected his decision since he was at school and has a future ahead of him before going on a relationship.

Riko understood what Emeric was saying.

[Thank You For Reading]

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