[Ch 14]+(Dog & Fox Conversation+Festival)

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The second year will come soon and everyone is excited to become senior students.

Isaac is at a window and watching the sky and clouds floating slowly by.

He was on a will chair right now as his legs are not yet healed.

And Hunter walked in.

"Hey Isaac", Hunter said to Isaac.

"Hm I thought that you were at your studies?", Isaac said back to Hunter.

"Ah no I came here to check you on how you are doing, Isaac you nearly gave me a heart attack", Hunter said as he remembered how injured Isaac was at the battle.

"Thanks for worrying about me however did you say I gave you a "Heart Attack"?", Isaac cheekily said at Hunter.

Hunter blush at Isaac's flirtatious remark and shook off his thoughts.

"Idiot! not that kind of heart attack! What have you been doing anyway with such kind of words?!", Hunter scolded Isaac.

It made Isaac laugh at Hunter's cute reaction over the word "Heart Attack".

Hunter calmed down and asked Isaac.

"Isaac were you angry at Derick?", Hunter asked as Nile had told him.

"Well... Yes I was angry because he had been looking at you", Isaac honestly said and didn't want to complicate things.

"So it's true and do you know that Derick will become your enemy? Derick doesn't back down", Hunter told Isaac.

"Derick had become my rival and I don't like him, Hunter I grew fond of you", Isaac said back to Hunter.

"Uh huh I used to like Nile to be exact since he saved me and to be fair my feelings for him had faded, I never liked Derick", Hunter exclaimed at Isaac.

"I know you liked Nile, Hunter I didn't want to ruin my friendship with Nile and watch you talk to him however who do you like now?", Isaac said and asked at Hunter.

"Isaac... I like you I don't know if I'm being wrong about my feelings and Nile already knew that I started to like you as we hung out along with Nile before Emeric joined your group", Hunter admitted his feelings for Isaac.

"If you like me I like you back how about we go on a date? Sounds nice and we can maybe grow further with our relationship then being Alpha and Omega status", Isaac didn't want to be those other Alphas.

"You don't care about being an Alpha nor me and an Omega?", Hunter said.

"Yes", Isaac replied to Hunter's words.

Isaac and Hunter smiled at each other

With Nile.....

Nile is feeding Clay with delicious sweets.

[Chicken Sopas]

[Chicken Sopas]

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Chicken Sopas
16 ingredients

• 2 lbs Chicken parts, bone-in
• 4 Hot dogs

• 2 Bay leaves
• 2 Carrots, large
• 2 stalks Celery
• 4 cloves Garlic
• 1 Green onions
• 1/2 Napa cabbage, small
• 2 Onion

• 4 Eggs, hard

Canned Goods
• 1 can Evaporated milk

Pasta & Grains
• 2 cups Elbow macaroni pasta

Baking & Spices
• 1 tsp Peppercorns
• 2 Salt and pepper

Oils & Vinegars
• 1 tbsp Canola oil

• 10 cups Water

"Clay do you like the sweets that I made?", Nile asked Clay.

Clay nodded in happiness and said his first word.

"Mama", Clay said his first words and it made Nile freeze and stiff.

"Did you say Mama??", Nile said to Clay.

Clay tilted his head at Nile.

"Mama... Mama!... Mama!...", Clay said again and again but slightly loud.

Nile is ecstatic and doesn't care if Clay calls him "Mama" and praises Clay.

Clay likes the praise and wagged his dragon tail.

He patted his head and noticed that the horns on Clay's head had grown a little.

"I wonder if the rare plants from the beast hunt can help you?", Nile said and held his own chin.

[5 Days Later]+(No Class)

Today was a holiday which is a celebration of the 25th birthday of the first emperor which was a grand festival celebration.

"We can't disturb Isaac and Hunter, I think Hunter invited Isaac to celebrate at the Varon Family House", Emeric said as Isaac informed him.

"Yeah I know and we're the only two that will be going to the festival", Nile said and is walking with Emeric on the streets that were crowded with people.

The streets were decorated with beautiful festivities.

"Where should we go first?", Emeric asked Nile.

"Maybe let's buy some food at the food stalls at the side of the street walk", Nile said as he was slightly hungry just by walking.

"Yeah I'm hungry too", Emeric agreed with Nile.

There is no single omega on the street as everyone was beta's and alpha's.

Omega's cannot go outside as there are chances that they would go in heat and end up being assaulted out of nowhere.

They had to stay at home and celebrate it with their family at home.

Back with Nile and Emeric...

Emeric had been buying some items and food with the help of Nile.

Nile doesn't like to be scammed and didn't want Emeric to get scammed by fake products.

And Nile doesn't like all the crowds much and went with Emeric somewhere they can get some air as the atmosphere was heavy for them to breath.

Clay is following and knows Nile's scent so he won't easily get lost.

"Looks like people are crowding on someone", Nile said as he can hear excitement from the people.

As they walked in.

"Isn't that the student from Class 3-C", Emeric said as he had seen the person many times.

Nile glanced closer at the person who was beating up another Alpha.

"I've never seen him before", Nile said back to Emeric.

"Oh right you don't know him, his one of the underdog students in the academy who has a bad temper, his name is Aaron Strife his a snake wolf hybrid", Emeric told Nile who this person was.

"What is his rank?", Nile asked about Aaron's rank.

"His rank is Orange Rank", Emeric replied back at Nile.

"He looks like a delinquent and not gonna lie he really beat the two Alpha's into a pulp", Nile said and didn't praise the situation as it was violence.

Nile doesn't like too much violence, Nile and Emeric left the scene to have some fun.

Luckily the police came to disperse the crowd and stop Aaron beating the two Alpha's.

[Thank You For Reading]

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