[Ch 60]+(Encounter With An Acquaintance+Indian Food)

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[Street Market]

Nile was enjoying his time and had a lot of fun picking and buying in the market.

And he meet Zenin once again that he hasn't seen in 2 years who look different and seemed that he had a new job.

Zenin didn't wanted to be a waiter in the bar in Planet Montana forever and wanted to have a high paid job.

Which Nile understood what Zenin was saying to him.

And they hang out and maybe able to know each other more.

[Small Restaurant]

Nile and Zenin sat on each side of the table and we're reading the menu.

'They have indian food', Nile thought as he knows what an Indian food look like since he had eaten Indian food from his previous life.

[Food Menu]

[Aloo Roti]

[Aloo Gobi]

[Saag Paneer]

[Matar Kachori]

[Tandoori Chicken]

[Gajar Ka Kalwa]

[Baingan Bharta]


[Chicken Tikka Masala]

[Papeta par Eda]


[Pani Puri]

[Gulab Jamun]

[Tomato Yugort Chicken Curry]


'There is so many to choose from', Nile thought who miss eating this type of food from his previous life.

"Have you choose anything?", Zenin asked Nile if he had picked his own food to eat.

"No not yet", Nile replied back to Zenin.

"Oh I also haven't picked yet what I'm going to eat", Zenin said and Nile couldn't help but chuckle as they both had not yet picked.

[1 Minute Later]

Nile picked the Mixed Vegetable Pakoras and Zenin on the other hand had chosen Dal Makhani.

And Added more food that they had picked.

The waiter came in and took they're order and he went to the direction of the kitchen.

[Nile & Zenin', Table]

"Zenin, I have been to question ya on how have you been in the last 2 years?", Nile asked and questioned Zenin.

"Well, I've been doing well and I got a job from a large company that works on making video games, they pay they're employees very well", Zenin said and added more.

"I got myself a new apartment and did some projects that were all about shooting games which had become popular, I got a promotion from making a game called Virtual Star Shooters with the group", Zenin who was proud with it.

"You seem to have an amazing luck with your situation", Nile said who was smiled on how Zenin was doing pretty well.

"Yep! And how about you?", Zenin asked back.

Nile couldn't help but awkwardly laughed and sighed as he couldn't lie with this one.

"I'm doing well... A little, I had a lot of things that made me have problems which are getting improved or being solved", Nile said and told Zenin.

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