[Ch 6]+(Beast Hunt+Duo)

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Nile finished his design and needed to rebuild some part of the mech before the Beast Hunt starts.

He needed some of the parts but the tail will be hard to do since it has to be flexible and able to withstand damage.

The weapons would be complicated for him and wonder if a double edge saber that is sharp enough would cut his enemies down.

However the sabers won't work with his tail mech.

"What else is there?", Nile said to himself.

He had many thoughts and then he snapped his finger.

'Chained Sickle's', Nile thought that type of weapon would be good but however he needed to practice and on how to use the chained sickle without causing to hit himself and other things at his sight of range at random.

[Days Later]+(Beast Hunt)

Every alpha student in the academy was taken to a far place which is a planet infested with many beasts that have orbs raging to weak, strong, element, etc.

Some of the Alpha's prefer doing solo and others went into groups for better to protect each other.

I partnered with Isaac as we are a duo.

Everyone carried their own weapons and I have a bow and some explosive arrows strapped to my back and a sharp katana made by a blacksmith.

Isaac on the other hand is daggers which were sharp which were good to cut the tough skin of a beast.

"Nile let's go!", Isaac said which he pulled me into the forest and others were entering without hesitation.

'Why do I feel like a ragged doll', Nile thought as he had an expression of a tired person.

In the depths of the forest...

"You didn't get a beast guide book did you Isaac?", Nile asked his teammate.

"Hehehe I forgot to get one", Isaac said and is scratching his head and is embarrassed.

"Haaa~ you'll be glad that I have one and don't rush things and check the items before you leave the safe zone", I said to him and is slightly irritated but I couldn't get mad at him.

He was strange just like me.

"We should go to bodies of water and maybe we can get an electric sting ray", Nile said as he was holding the guide book in his left hand and index finger on the page he was reading.

"Right then let's go!", Isaac said and punched the air in excitement and wagging his tail.

'You really are a dog', I thought about Isaac who acts just like his animal humanoid form.

Shaking my head we couldn't just sit still and continue talking.

With Hunter...

Hunter is with the other Omega's and didn't act like a girly Omega watching the screen.

While watching the screen changed to Nile and Isaac who are going to a large pond which got everyone's attention.

Hunter is worried that Nile and Isaac would get hurt but he had to give some hope for them.

He watched Nile and Isaac traversing the forest infested with different beasts which were easily killed off by the two.

Some of the Omega's were complimenting Nile's who were good with shooting the beasts down without hesitation.

Hunter is irritated and doesn't bother to care and continues to watch the duo on the large hologram.

With Maisha and Jordan...

"Those two are good at teamwork and they didn't get injured", Maisha said to the two ok the screen.

"Maybe because they work hard or are just talented at birth", Jordan said and is relaxed.

Jordan and Maisha are close friends since childhood and Maisha was the one that helped Jordan marry his omega named Marianne.

He had two kids who are Alpha's at home taken care of by Marianne.

"Mr. Twist Head actually complimented his student for the first time how surprising", Maisha said in dramatically gasping like an actor.

Jordan snapped his neck at her and hated the nickname because of him being an owl.

"You gonna mock you like a mockingbird you are, Maisha?", Jordan said with an aggressive tone he does not like the nickname.

"Sheesh! Twist Head your no fun I'm just teasing you, no harm no foul", Maisha said and gestures both her hands back to Jordan.

"Whatever I'm gonna continue watching the beast hunt how bothersome of you", Jordan rolled his eyes and crossed both his arms as he huffed.

Maisha chuckles within as she enjoys calling him "Twist Head" since their childhood days because he twists his neck like an owl.

Well his an owl.

It was enjoyable for her to gleefully see his angry face.

Back with Nile and Isaac...

".....", Isaac is speechless and looked at the large lake that had many electric sting rays in it.

"I did not see this coming", Nile blurted out and the guide book didn't mention how electric sting rays were in a large group.

It must have forgotten to be updated.

The electric sting rays were swimming on the surface of the lake and Nile suggested with calm words.

"I got some fishing rods with me", He had prepared for any scenarios that will be happening in the beast hunt.

"And don't get electric shocked because we don't wanna turn ourselves into burnt Alpha's", Isaac added to Nile's words.

Nile and Isaac went to the shore of the large lake and Nile brought out the two fishing rods in his spatial pocket which Isaac was shocked that Nile has a spatial.

"You didn't tell me you had a spatial pocket!", He yelled out at Nile, Isaac pointed his finger at him.

"Isaac you never asked if I had a spatial pocket", Nile said in a bland tone.

"Oh Right.... I forgot", Isaac said and made the "I forgot" excuse.

'Isaac is slightly an idiot', Nile thought about Isaac.

Both of them were holding fishing rods in their hands which had the favorite food of the electric sting rays in the hook of the wire.

Nile checked the surroundings for any other Alphas that might come but there were none on sight so he didn't care anymore and fish with his friend.

He doesn't want to use his cheat magic to fly on top of the surface and catch every single electric sting rays.

Nile doesn't want more attention and fishing is productive for him, he doesn't want to be a lazy bone.

[Thank You For Reading]

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