[Ch 47]+(Letter From The Orphanage+Resentment He See's)

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[Celestial University]+[Within The Class Auditorium]

Every student in the classroom were listening to the professor..

The professor wis educating his students about Robotics And Automations Services to his students.

Nile wrote down the things that were important and didn't dare to get distracted from any other things.

[Robotics and Automation Services]

[While robotics and automation technology is often used in large corporations, you can apply them to your business by offering services. You may be an electrician who wants to install robots and automated machinery in factories or a contractor who could use the technology to build a home. The technology behind robotics can be applied in any industry, so there's plenty of work and room for growth. Many people are hesitant to use robots and automation technology in their business, but if you're willing to develop and use the technology yourself, you could reap the benefits.]

While Nile was scribbling each sentences in his notebook.

Then his phone rang however there was no noise as it was in silent mode luckily it didn't disturb his class.

Nile check his phone under his desk and read the message that belong to Clay and Riko.

Riko: Hey Nile, I just wanna say that you have a letter from someone

Riko: The name of the sender is named is Junie Curlianze.....

He paused for a moment and thought about the name Junie Curlianze.

'i haven't seen her for a while..... Nor did I contact her for a while', Nile thought as he remembered that Junie was one of the orphanage caretaker to took care of him with the other children.

Niel didn't know the reason why she called him which he was not closed with her.

He'll do it after class is over and turn off the phone and continue to listen to the professor.

The professor made a joke that made some of the students chuckle, the professor was making sure his students don't get bored.

[Location]+[Auction House]

With Aaron.....

Aaron was in disguise and is wearing a masked that is a part of the auction house rules to make sure that the buyer's identity would not be leaked.

And sitting in one of the VIP rooms in the right side of the auction room.

He was glancing at each items that were one by one being displayed and bought by the buyers who were wearing a mask as himself.

'.....', Aaron had nothing to think right now and is boredly glancing at each item from the stage.

Awhile of waiting and in just 7 minutes, Aaron sees an item that he wanted to buy from the auction house.

The one that he was going to buy was a Lily Dove Flower that looks like a bird/dove.

It was properties is pure energy that can help purify the body from any toxicity and removing any scats in the body.

Omega's will do anything's for the Lily Dove Flower because it helps them have higher fertility.

Aaron want it, being half omega is something that is apart of him and maybe Nile will like him without any scars in his body.

With Nile.....

Nile is tired and is walking into his bedroom to rest to awhile and told Clay and Riko not to disturb him.

Sleeping comfortable on the bed without changing his clothes and took off his shoes.

He slept without a care in the world as he was in heaven sleeping on his large bed and snuggling on his pillow.

With Riko.....

Riko has been feeling something that is attached to Nile something was clinging to him.

And he knew that there is a spirit that Nile couldn't see and even Clay was concerned about the spirit appeared out of nowhere.

Clay had known this as it happened back at Aubrey Academy when Nile was their.

The spirit had such resentment that Riko was slightly frightened however he needed to exorcist the spirit or things will get worst.

'Need some exorcist tools without Nile knowing', Riko thought and closed the door from Nile's room.

Riko need to get rid of the spirit for Nile's safety and mental health.

[The Next Day/Early Morning]+(TimeSkip)

Nile was eating cereal and is reading the letter that he had open.

Dear Nile

It's me Junie Curlianze from the orphanage and I was wondering on how you are doing?

I wanted to send this letter to you as the the owner and caretaker of the orphanage had passed away from old age.

Nile, this is an invitation to her funeral and I know that you were close with Miss Jenny and hope that you are not sad with this news.

Please come to the funeral before Miss Jenny is buried.

After the four months before Miss Jenny will be buried to the cemetery.

From your former caretaker:
Junie Curlianze

Nile didn't say a word and had a sad expression on his face as he didn't expect that Miss Jenny would passed away.

It sadden him further because he was not there when Miss Jenny was at her last breath.

'Crap', Nile thought it made his heart ache that someone had died that was nice to him, it's painful to read.

He'll have to excuse himself from school to visit the funeral and see Miss Jenny it would be disrespect if he decline to go to the funeral.

With Emeric.....

Emeric went to the dentist to fix his teeth as they were crooked and needed braces to straighten his teeth.

And it will be painful and would probably hurt his nerves once he wears the braces that the dentist that were given to him.

'Soon it will hurt', Emeric thought and had a non existent tears in his eyes dripping down his face like a waterfall.

The Dentist told Emeric the things he is allowed to do with his teeth and only eat liquid food nor hard nor sticky as it was ruin his braces and would have to do it all over again.

He understood what the dentist said and the Dentist gave him the paper with all the things he will have to need and know about braces on his teeth.

Leaving the place, Emeric went home and is worrying about his braces as he had seen in the media video on people's experience on how painful the braces are.

Scared on how painful the braces would be.


[Thank You For Reading]

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