[Ch 42]+(Mutated Beast Attack 2)

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[Dream World]+(Unconscious State)

'I'm I dead?', Nile thought as he was back in the white void and is trying to send a telepathic feedback to Riko.

However the telepathic was weak and Nile is confused and crying.

Nile was in a pathetic state and didn't know what was happening as he remembered that he was fighting the large mutated beast.

But someone was behind when he looked from behind he was suddenly push off and a pit appeared out of nowhere from behind him.

He saw a little girl who didn't express but she said.

"Spread Your Wings", She said and Nile fell into the pit."Let that blood of yours flow in you".

"Bring out your other side for it..... Hybrid", She added and walked away.

'My other side?', Nile thought.

'Wait... What does she mean hybrid?", As Nile falls into the abyss below.

[Real World]

With Riko and Others.....

Emeric was driving the hover car Clay, Hunter, Isaac, and Riko were sitting in the passenger seat and was driving fast.

They were going to the shopping district because Nile was endangered which worried Clay.

It was a fast drive that there was no stopping them.

And Emeric breaking the rules but he did not care as his friend was in danger.

Isaac was screaming as Emeric's reckless driving made him scream like a little girl.

[Back at the Shopping District]

Aaron and the other pilots had defeated the large mutated beast however they're were more as they wreck havoc in the shopping district that was in lockdown.

Nile on the other hand was still at the same position as the other mech pilots didn't see him and continue they're fights with more mutated.

It was not a good situation as the Mutated Beast were coming and Aaron heard a noise of a spaceship and looked up.

'Gonjoo Pirates! Those Bastards!', Aaron gritted his teeth as they were the ones cause this chaos.

However the Gonjoo Pirates had escape and left lots of beast with the Lapiz Virus infection.

Then Aaron was overwhelmed and being attacked by 8 Mutated Beast.

He was in a tight spot.

'SHIT!', Aaron thought because he thinks that his gonna die here right now.

The roars were fears and they were going to charge at Aaron.

He closed his eyes for the inevitable and his arms covering his face.

"Huh?..... ???", The attack didn't came and Aaron was confused.

He heard flesh ripping and someone making a battle cry.

Aaron open his eyes and sees that the mutated beasts around him were all dead that shocked him as from a distant.

He saw Nile.

How can he sure it's Nile?

Aaron's eyes widen even more then it could.

The only think that was different was Nile had three red wings on each side making it six and red horns sticking out of his head.

And his eyes were blood red and is roaring like a monster looking for a bloodbath.

Bloodlust was sipping out of Nile's body and is charging at the Mutated Beast and white-blue flames were emitting from his body killing off the Lapiz Virus Parasite.

The other pilots took away the injured pilot's off the shopping district and Aaron didn't want to wait and battled more of the mutated beast.

With Nile.....

Nile was practically become a rare blood-angel with horns that of a demon.

He was tearing his enemies down with no mercy as his emotions of sympathy and pity were locked right now.

The feeling was powerful.

Feeling powerful it made him fearless as he burn the parasites down that were trying to latched at him with they're razor sharp blade teeth's.

Aaron was backing him up they were both fighting side by side as other pilots help out and check the surrounding for any other civilians to rescue.

The Super Market was destroyed because of other mutated beast had stampede into the supermarket a while ago.

Nile was using his wings as his weapons as it was sharp and when he flew towards the side of the mutated.

His wings slashed the beast and blue blood was dripping from his wings.

However it was not yet over as they had to eradicate 38 mutated beasts that are left.

Aaron brought out a double-edged sword and slash the beast and stabbing them with them down and smashing they're head.

Nile on the other hand was chasing down the parasites to make sure that the parasites don't infect anyone and turn them into mindless zombies.

[Hours Later]

Aaron had finished off the the last beast and Nile burned the parasites with his flames.

Nile was exhausted but was healing physical.

Spreading his wings and it disappeared afterwards as he fell to his knees, his vision was getting blurry and his hearing was not clear as he was drifting to sleep.

And Aaron came out of his mech and before Nile could fall flat on his face on the ground.

Aaron was able to catch him before he fall on his face.

Nile was lying on Aaron's arms.

However Nile's had no reaction right now and slowly closed his eyes.

The ambulance came along with the police force and Nile's friends and son came however they were stop by the police.

Because the area was not allowed to enter do to the destruction and they might get hurt.

"Dad?!", Clay called out his father/Nile and is looking around.

The police tried to stop Clay but he was able to slip and ran into the crumbled Shopping District.

Clay was calling out his father's/Nile's name and in a few minutes he was able to find him.

But he froze because someone was holding his father tightly in their arms.

"Why are you holding my dad?", Clay said and in a calm tone however he was panicking.

"Dad? Did..... You call Nile dad?!", Aaron was confused and glanced at the child and his eyes widen as it was the child that Nile had been taking care of.

'How can that be?!?!', Aaron thought.

He was shocked that Clay had called Nile dad which dumbfounded Aaron however he held Nile tightly as he was possessive.

The medic came and took Nile away and put him into the EMS Stretcher and quickly ram back to the ambulance.

Clay followed however Aaron had to stay as he had duties and went to his of the group of pilots and is said.

Aaron was sad right now as he didn't know why he was sad but he was happy at the same time as he was able to hold Nile in his arms.

Because he couldn't go right now and had to do military duty and the vice commander came and started giving him info.

And they have to remove the corpses of the beast scattered in the area.

[Thank You For Reading]

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