[Ch 59]+(Going Out+Baby Magnus)

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[Nile's Apartment]+(The Next Day)+(Present Time)

It was another day for everyone except for Nile who simply had a small anxiety on something.

He can't decide on what to do.

His to scared and can't make the step.

And his therapist had been suggesting him to call a restraining order if Aaron were to do it again.

Lucia was doing her best and seeing her patient named Nile in the worst situation.

She needed to help him out with everything and gave him advice and suggestion to ease him.

And she had a conversation with Emeric, Riko, and Clay about what was going on which they said everything except for some private matters that they didn't said to her.

Only the things that made Nile in bad health.

However Nile didn't faint and fall to the ground like his previous self.

Nile had indeed improve his mental power and Lucia was amazed how much Nile strengthen himself.

With Emeric.....

Emeric was slightly not in a good mood because Nile didn't give his answers.

'Nile can't even decide on this', He thought and Nile didn't gave an explanation on why he can't just cut off Aaron.

Thinking about Aaron made his spine chill for some reason he couldn't explain.

Something was really off with Aaron Strife.

Aaron was an alpha and so was Nile, both are not computable with one another as alpha's are enable to attract one another.

It's impossible.


'Is Aaron secretly an omega?', Emeric thought about his assumption about Aaron being an Omega, echoed through his entire thoughts.

How can Aaron be an Omega?

It was ridiculous at first.

'Maybe I should read more beast human biology', Emeric thought maybe he will be able to find the answer if he research about it.

His gonna have to solve this on his own about Aaron Strife.

[Varon Household]

Magnus has been energetic and playful as even he was still weeks old.

The maids were doting over baby Magnus and watching over him as Hunter was resting and Isaac was busy at school.

Hunter needed more rest and recover more.

The little naive Magnus was about to cry but luckily one of the maids had got the pacifier and gently put it on Magnus's mouth.

Magnus calm down and is sucking on the pacifier like a baby would do.

It made the maids want to squeal however they didn't because Magnus might cry if he heard something loud.

Babies are not easy to calm down when they cry and it would probably take hours to calm down a baby.

Magnus looked at the maids were doing a peekaboo which he couldn't but giggle.

The maids were good at raising children.

And Magnus was an easy child to take care.

[Nile's Apartment]

"You want to visit Magnus again?", Nile said and looked at Clay who was standing in front of him.

"Yes! I want to see my baby brother!", Clay exclaimed towards Nile who was standing in front of him.

"..... It's ok if you visit Magnus however Riko will be going with you, would that be fine?", Nile said and told Clay.

"Sure, I wouldn't mind if Riko is with me to visit the Varon Household", Clay said and is smiling as he wanted to see Magnus very badly.

[Minutes Later]

Riko and Clay left the apartment and before they left.

They said words about being safe towards Nile and.

Which he understood what they were saying and and they left afterwards.

Nile was alone in his apartment and didn't know what to do.

He has already finished his module, Nile had nothing to do right now.

"Should I read a book? Or make meals when Riko and Nile comes home?", Nile said to himself."Maybe I should got for a walk".

Going for a walked with be nice and after walking he should probably go eat.

Nile decided that is the thing that he is going to do and there are places that Nile had not completely explored.

[Location]:[Somewhere Near The Shopping District]

"The engineers hadn't finished building the shopping and market district, it's under reconstruction", The old lady said to Nile.

Nile frowned and asked the nice old lady if there is a market nearby.

Which she replied to him "yes" and gave him the direction of the temporary market place.

He thanked and complimented her for helping him.

The old lady who was flattered by him and she smiled on how kind of him to compliment her and after that they wave goodbye to each other.

[Location]:[Temporary Market Place]

The market place was crowded with many people buying and walking around and they're were lots of chattering in the air.

'So crowded', Nile thought and the atmosphere was a little heavy because it was to crowded.

Nile walked around and browsing on each stalls.

'Is that takoyaki?', Nile had stars in his eyes as he went to the Takoyaki stall.

Japanese Takoyaki which he confirmed just by the appearance and smell.

He was drooling and wanted to buy it and he bought 10 Takoyaki's and paid the stall owner.

Afterwards he ate the Takoyaki and continue walking around browsing and buying things in the market place.

What should he buy next on the market place?

They are so many things to choose from.

With Clay and Riko.....

Clay is holding Magnus in his arms and Magnus's little baby hands were holding on Clay's fingers.

He was sitting on the soft carpet floor and with Magnus now sitting on his lap.

Magnus was happy and had a baby smile, he doesn't have teeth yet and his hands were trying to grab Clay's sky blue hair.

Hunter and Riko took some photos and couldn't help but adore it.

'Clay is gonna be good godbrother to Magnus', Hunter thought about Clay and smiled and Riko continue to take photos.

"Hunter by the way, once you have fully recovered how about we all hang out", Rik said and it's better if everyone were together and spend time together.

Along with the kids.

"That doesn't sound bad", Hunter said who was lying on the sofa.

Two maids came in to serve them meals and brought the milk that was breast-pumped from Hunter's chest from hours ago.

Luckily they were able to preserve the milk and it didn't rot or anything as the milk was still fresh and didn't have any bad smells.

Omega's produce lots of quantity of milk just for the baby to feed on.

[Thank You For Reading]

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