[Ch 7]+(Egg+Region)

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Isaac had fished a large earth shark that is able to breath on land.

Surprisingly enough the shark had legs and was chasing down Isaac.

"I'M RUNNING FOR MY LIFE!", Isaac yelled as he drew his weapon out and tried to subdue the shark and continue to dodge its large jaws charging at him.

"Reckless Dog", Nile said while sighing in his head and put away 50 electric sting rays into his pocket dimension.

His gonna help Isaac later after he finished putting all the electric sting rays away.

[3 Minutes Later]

The shark had been killed off by Isaac with the help of Nile's.

"I don't wanna experience that ever again", Isaac said as he was lying on the ground and looked exhausted head to toe.

"Uh huh", Nile was busy ripping out some of the body parts of the shark and a beast core which would be credited to Isaac since he finished off the shark.

"Where should we go next", Isaac asked Nile's om where to go next.

"Let me check the map", Nile said as he turned on his holographic map which is attached to the bracelet.

"Since the mountains are the most dangerous zone... We should go to the valley since I read the guide book there are a lot of rare plants", Nile said and wanted to get some of the plants.

He wanted to plant them inside his spatial pocket.

"Ok", Isaac said as he instantly stood up and stretched his body.

Both travel to the valley which has less danger than any other parts of the landscape.

"Don't go near those purple roses that are attached to the tree there are highly poisonous", Nile said and pointed at the roses.

"Got it", Isaac responded back to Nile.

The terrain was not easy because of the many stones and large tree roots that are visible.

"Be careful you don't trip", Isaac said and look from behind to make sure no one is following them.

"We're almost there", Nile said and while walking there he also found some rare plants good for brewing potions or tea.

"Hey do you hear something?", Isaac said as his ears were picking up a sound.

"Yeah I can hear it too", Nile said back.

It was giant beast with sharp fangs.

At the valley...

Isaac is looking around for any beast around and Nile is admiring the beautiful scenery.

"Did you find anything?!", Nile shouted at Isaac.

"No not really", Isaac shouted back and is a little far from Nile.

"Guess we should search further and collect some rare plants", Nile said as he went to check the tall grasses.

"What did you say?", Isaac couldn't hear what Nile was saying from a far.


Nile had found a lot of plants that can also be edible to eat even if it's raw.

He pushes the tall grasses apart and finds a strange thing.

"An egg?", Nile said and scanned the egg.

The egg was beautiful white that is glimmering when the sun shines on it the shape is a pearl and the size is big as an ostrich egg.

"Beautiful.... What egg is this?", Nile said and brought out his guide book.

Nile flip the page and look at the egg.

'Strange there is no information about this egg? Does that mean it's a new species?', He thought about the egg and closed the book.

Nile's is cautious and thought it must be a dangerous creature inside the egg.

'Is there an alien inside of it?', He shivered thinking about it and shooked his head.

Once they finished collecting...

"Nile, what are you holding? Is that a ball?", Isaac asked Nile in curiosity.

"Oh? This is an egg I found in the tall grasses to be exact not a ball", Nile said and loves the eggs smooth surface.

"Egg?", Isaac who looked closely at the beautiful round egg.

"Are you gonna raise it? But wait... what beast is it anyway?", Isaac asked and questioned Nile.

"To be fair I don't know because I just found it", Nile said that he doesn't know what beast is inside.

"You don't know and you just took it without knowing if there is a beast that would come back for it?", Isaac said with a dumb face.

"Yes", Nile responded and nodded towards Isaac's words.

"Seriously", Isaac deadpanned even though he is reckless, Isaac would never take an unknown egg.

Nile just took an egg with unknown origin from the tall grasses that would maybe be a dangerous creature or a safe.

"We haven't met other Alpha's here", Isaac said and looked around and sniffed the air and there was not a single scent nearby.

"Oh I saw them a while ago going to the ice mountains over there", Nile said pointing his index finger at the north of the planet.

"Isn't that place dangerous there probably looking for death's door", Isaac said about the low rank Alpha's.

"Yes and No they went to the icy regions that have a lot of treasure hidden within it", Nile exclaimed to Isaac.

Isaac looks at the horizon and says.

"We should build a camp it's almost sunset", Isaac said and Nile nodded.

The valley is safe since there are high rank beast only weak ones that are herbivores that are neutral around this valley region.

[Time: 7:19]+(Present Time)

Nile had hunted some herbivores that are edible to eat for Isaac too.

He got some high ranked nature deers which were bigger then a family car.

Isaac likes the size and is growling from hunger.

So Nile started dismantling the deer, seasoning the meat that is skewered on a metal stick and roast it on the side of the fire.

"Nile are you a herbivore, carnivore, or a omnivore?", Isaac asked and doesn't know what type of animal Nile is.

"I'm an omnivore", Nile said as he can eat meat and vegetables.

"Oh ok? I was just asking and the meat looks good~", Isaac said who is slightly salivating and smelled the skewered meat cooking.

Nile couldn't help but chuckle at his dog friend Isaac who is wagging his tail like a puppy.

The egg on the other hand is inside of the tent wrap around with a soft cotton blanket like a nest.

[Thank You For Reading]

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