[Ch 18]+(Child Clay+Transfer Student)

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Isaac and Emeric are walking on the hallway.

When they reached Nile's room, Isaac then knocked on the door three times.

"Nile are you there?", Isaac called out Nile's name and waited for him.

They heard footsteps coming closer from the other side and then the door clicked.

"Hey guys, come in", Nile said in a low tone to both of them.

Nile went to the side, Isaac and Emeric walked inside and Nile closest to the door.

"Nile... Why did you call us?", Emeric asked Nile.

They are in the living room.

"Well... You see... You won't believe it but Please don't be shocked", Nile said to them.

Nile opened the door of the bedroom and called out Clay's name.

"Clay you can come out now", Clay then came out of the room.

Clay was standing in front of them and he wore a large t-shirt and said.

"Hi Uncle Isaac!", Clay said in an excited tone.

Isaac was dumbfounded and Emeric on the other hand was confused and said.

"You had a kid?", Emeric said and is scanning Clay up and down.

"I'll probably explain", Nile said.

Isaac is still dumbfounded and Clay waved his hand in front of Isaac but he didn't react.

With Hunter.....

Hunter is reading a book at the library.

While he was reading his phone had a notification bell ring.

Turning off the noise and press the notification that belongs to his teacher.

[Hello Omega Students Class A-0

This is your teacher Gomez.

In the next 3 days there will be a new Omega transfer student, I'm making everyone in my class to be aware of the transfer student however I will not give his name.

From the Rias royal family.]

"Transfer Student", Hunter narrowed his brows.

He knew less of the Rias royal family and the Alpha Emperor had 10 wives in the harem.

The emperor was matched in 10 Omega's from different nobilities and commoners.

To be precise there was a lot of scandal in the royal family about the emperor having an omega commoner as his empress.

However no one dared to gossip as they feared angering the emperor they would be sent to prison if they did.

Hunter didn't want to go near this new student and doesn't want any connection.

Back at Nile's dormitory...

"Clay is so cute!", Isaac said and hugged the little boy in his arms and wagging his tail happily.

"Uncle don't squeeze me", Clay said and he is uncomfortable, he didn't like being squeezed in Isaac's arms.

"Oh sorry Little Clay", Isaac apologized and loosened a little making Clay relax.

Nile and Emeric were talking to each other in the bedroom.

"Clay was found at the beast hunt and you didn't tell me as you don't completely trust me", Emeric said and looked at Nile eye to eye.

"I just didn't know if you are trustworthy but we got closer as friends so I began trusting you, you won't tell anyone about Clay's existence?", Nile said back at Emeric.

Emeric glanced at his friend.

"I promise", He said to Nile.

And Isaac is still doting over Clay.

[Next Day]

Hunter had been texting on his phone and smiling as Isaac had been such a puppy to him.

Class hadn't started yet and everyone was in the classroom talking about the new transfer student.

The classroom had a lot of noise chatter.

Some were talking about their dream alphas that they are going to marry which was just their own fantasy.

Teacher Gomez came in and the room became quiet and went back to their seats.

"Good morning everyone, I hope you guys are already aware that your new classmate is now here", He told them.

The transfer student came in and stood in front of the students.

"Hello everyone my name is Victor Rias the 8th prince of the Rias Royal Family, I hope that we can all get along", Victor introduces himself to everyone.

With the trio...

They were inside the class and the teacher was giving the students a lesson about ancient furnace fire temperature.

Nile is taking notes again.

Clay sitting on Nile's lap as he went to his baby dragon form and is as usual invisible.

The only noise that the room was making was chalk writing on the board and pen on the paper.

"Alright then should do it, write everything that is written on the board and don't be noisy nor cause trouble", The teacher told them and is migraine and exhausted and went out of the classroom leaving the students to write down what's on the blackboard.

"I'm finished writing", Nile whispered closing his black notebook and putting it away and into the bag under his desk.

"No fair", Isaac complains and pouts, he secretly as pouting is not fit for an Alpha to do.

Emeric didn't complain and hid his laughter.

No one noticed Nile, Isaac, and Emeric's interaction.

"Have you heard that there is a Omega transfer student", Isaac said as Hunter texted him about the new student.

"Isn't the transfer student one of the Rias Royal Family", Emeric said back.

Nile listened to what Isaac and Emeric were talking about.

'Rias Royal Family?', Nile said in his thought.

He had never heard of a royal family before.

Because he hadn't doesn't care about trivial news in his phone.

With Aaron...

Aaron had been frustrated with his enemies that continue to pester him and he couldn't even get some peace and quiet.

He also had been stalking Nile and couldn't go near him for some reason.

The only thing he could do is watch Nile from a distant.

Aaron had grown to have a small crush on Nile.

Why should he do?

He can't.

Aaron has zero relationship with Nile and he doesn't know how he will react about his confession and secret.

'Maybe this silly crush of mine will be gone soon enough, out of my head..... crushes are just crushes', Aaron thought and wanted to continue his homework.

All students class was over and went out of the classroom.

[Thank You For Reading]

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