[Ch 12]+(Mythical Creatures Don't Exist+Potential Couple?)

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Everyone had went to there dorms and Emeric went back first and next.

Nile told Isaac to follow him to his own dormitory do that Isaac could meet Clay.

At Nile's dormitory room...

"Where's the dragon named Clay you've talked about hours ago?", Isaac said back to Nile.

Isaac then sat on the sofa.

"Don't freak out or anything", Nile said and he dispell the invisibility and Isaac was surprise with wide eyes.

Isaac saw little Clay with his own eyes and said.

"His adorable", Isaac said and wagged his tail playfully.

"This is Clay who is a newborn baby that hatched from yesterday, Clay is a dragon", Nile exclaimed.

"I've never seen a dragon and not even from any stories is this what a dragon looks like?", Isaac said as Clay flew up and went to Isaac's lap.

"Woah he can fly without wings?!", Isaac is shocked.

"Did you say that you never heard of a dragon? Clay is a long dragon", Nile asked and said towards Isaac.

He was petting Clay on the head and said back to Nile.

"There are no such beasts nor animals that exist? His probably a new species", Isaac said to Nile.

Nile is confused about it and deadpanned to himself as he remembered that mythical creatures don't exist.

'Then why do I exist?', Nile thought about himself and lick his lips because he is confused on why mythical creatures don't exist in this world.

He had mixed feelings.

"Nile you ok? Because you're spacing out", Isaac asked in concern about Nile.

"Ah.... Sorry I was thinking about what you said, it seems that Clay likes you a lot", Nile said and smiled.

"Really?", Isaac who asked Nile.

"Yes", Nile replied back to Isaac.

Isaac and Nile were both laughing.

Then Nile's phone started ringing and he took it out of his pocket.

"It's Hunter again", Nile said and pressed his phone screen.


Hunter: Nile? Hello?

"Hunter? I can hear you", Nile.

Hunter: Oh good I wanted to tell you to be careful because there are some omega's

"Are they trying to match themselves?", Nile said and is uncomfortable.

"Hey can I talk with Hunter?", Isaac asked Nile politely.

Hunter: Is that Isaac? I haven't talked with Isaac for a while

"I guess I'm going to give my phone to Isaac", Nile.

"Hunter wants to talk with you", Nile said back to Isaac who stood up from his seat and Clay floated up in midair.

Nile handed his phone to Isaac grabbed the phone off of Nile's hand and put the phone to his ear.

"Heeey", Isaac said in a cheerful voice.

Hunter: it's days Isaac sorry if I didn't call you and respond to your calls

"It's ok Hunter and is there anything new on your side of the Omega's?", Isaac.

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