[Ch 16]+(Second Year+Beast Encounter)

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Everyone were now second year students and had changed classroom and teacher.

"We're classmates!", Isaac happily said to Nile and Emeric.

In a few months things were smooth and Isaac had marked Hunter as his mate.

The grandfather of Hunter was happy too as Hunter found someone he truly loved.

Hunter's grandfather doesn't like the match system at all and hated his omega wife who did the matching of his unqualified daughter to the Gartion Family.

His wife is already dead anyway but he won't bad mouth her.

However once his grandson was born, Grandfather Varon chose to pay attention to his grandson's wellbeing.

And had grown to hate Laverna for the petty behavior.

The trio were sitting at the three desk table and Nile notice someone.

'It's Aaron Strife again', Nile thought as Aaron was sitting at the window looking outside.

[Aaron Strife]

Aaron was the Alpha that beat the two Alpha's into a pulp.

Everyone feared Aaron for being aggressive and has no pack since he was too violent.

No one sat beside Aaron they were scared of being beaten.

Then Aaron looks right at him with piercing eyes like a beast.

'Scary', Nile thought as he averted his eyes but to be honest he was not scared.

Aaron just had a scary face and Nile had thought that Aaron is handsome and beautiful at the same time.

And Aaron was still looking at him and felt the gaze of Aaron scanning him.

The new teacher came in and everyone went back to their seat.

After class was over they went to the cafeteria to eat.

"Nile why was Aaron looking at you?", Isaac asked as he saw Aaron looking at Nile a while ago.

"I might have been looking at him", Nile responded back to Isaac.

""Oh"", Isaac and Emeric respond in unison.

"You didn't know that Aaron doesn't like to be gazed too much", Emeric said and shudders.

Emeric is scared of Aaron.

"I'm sorry Nile but you're on your own in this one, you can still call for help if you need it", Isaac said and also knew about Aaron.

'You guys are really scared of Aaron', Nile thought about Isaac and Emeric fearing Aaron.

Nile started to have another memory emerging from his mind.

At the garden...

Alpha's had their own school garden just like the Omega's both are separated from each other.

And Nile is now face to face with the beast.

"Hi", Nile said and is stiff as Aaron was in front of him.

"You must be Nile", Aaron said and narrowed his eyes at him.

"I-Is there something w-wrong?", God he went back to being a stutter.

Meeting new people is making Nile look like an idiot who can communicate.

Aaron tilted his head at Nile and said to him.

"You look like a scared cat", Aaron said figurative words.

"U-uh oh", Nile responded back and didn't know what to say.

'Did I scare him that bad?', Aaron thought as Nile seems to odd.

He doesn't act like an Alpha.

Aaron thought that he would be prideful or something else.

"You already know my name", Aaron said back at Nile.

"Ok... Aaron I apologize that I looked at you it's just...", Nile hasn't finished his sentence.

"It's just what?", Aaron said and confused at Nile.

"Please don't mock me it's just that you look handsome and beautiful at the same time...", Nile told Aaron the reason.

Aaron didn't say a single word and was speechless about Nile.

Then he left without even looking back and leaving Nile on the spot.

'Oh god.... I really am weird', Nile thought and was embarrassed.

With Aaron...

Aaron's face was red and so were his ears and didn't know why he reacted that way.

'I can't lose my persona', Aaron thought and fixed himself and cleared his thoughts.

No one knows his secret and to keep it that way.

Aaron had smelled Nile's scent and it made him blush however he controlled himself.

'there just pheromones nothing to frit', He thought again and inhale and exhale some air into his lungs.

Aaron doesn't like the pheromones controlling him.

Back with Nile.

'I didn't survive embracement', Nile thought and wanted to screech out his feelings.

"Is Dada ok?", Clay asked in concern and he changed to "Dada".

'I'm ok my little mint', Nile replied back to Clay.

Nile was not ok.

He was embarrassed to death on what he said to Aaron.

What should he do if he meets Aaron again?

Thinking about it, it made Nile more nervous.

He was not a perfect Alpha.

Nile was reborn and has many flaws to himself and even hiding won't last long.

Being a stuttering boy when meeting new people and he felt ridiculous.

'God I need to changed that part', Nile thought and ruffling his hair into a messy hair.

Sighing and fixed himself as he walked back to the dormitory to relax and feed Clay.

Clay would be his only precious to make him happy right now and tomorrow is gonna be another off set day.


Isaac had been talking with Hunter as they both were in private rooms.

They were conversing about future plans for them and their future children.

And Isaac didn't want to be a burden to Hunter and had been speaking with each other's opinion.

It was a smooth conversation and no arguments were in.

With Emeric on the other hand...

Emeric is at the swimming pool.

He is swimming back and forth and was exhausted as he floated on the surface of the water and looking at the ceiling of the swimming pool.

No one is at the swimming pool right now as he was the only one inside.

Emeric likes peace and quiet in this time of hour without no one bothering him.

He was blissfully enjoying right now.

However he was vigilant as there might be an Alpha that will come in and he didn't want to be bullied or worse.

Emeric blinked his eyes at the ceiling.

[Thank You For Reading]

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