[Ch 36]+(Happy 19th Birthday!)

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[Location]:[Little Garden]

"Why are we here anyway?", Isaac is confused why Nile took him to a small garden.

They were both at the walking on the stone path and is going to reach their destination.

"You'll know", Nile who is relaxed himself. "We're almost there like I said we're going to have some relaxing tea time".

"Uh huh", Isaac who didn't by Nile's words and knew what will happen but he won't ruin the entire thing.

When they reach the little garden and their were birthday decorations.


Everyone said who popped out of nowhere from their hiding spot and it made Isaac surprised and happy at the same time as everyone was their except for his former family.

"Isaac", Hunter who called his name and gave Isaac a smile.

Isaac was extremely happy and the party began with everyone having fun.

They played games not kind of games which would destroy the garden causing to pay lots of money if the rare flowers were destroyed.

Hunter made the party games safe for everyone and they had lots of fun.

Grandfather Varon had the best of time and would tease Hunter for giving his boyfriend soon to be fiance a good surprised birthday party.

[4 Minutes Later]

Nile sat on the chair and watch them having fun and didn't want to since his not good at playing games.

And Riko is with him since his small and doesn't have legs yet, Riko couldn't play however he was not interested in playing anyway.

He was an introvert back in his previous life.

Maisha was holding two cups the first cup was wine and the second cup was soda and sat at the other side of the table where Nile is.

"Here", She said and handed the second cup to Nile which had the soda.

"Thanks Miss Maisha", Nile grab the cup and drank the soda.

"Your welcome Nile, you seem not to interested in playing games and are going to play with them or just stay in the chair the whole game?", Maisha asked and questioned Nile about it.

"Yeah, i'm good in sitting here for a while until the games like you said will be over", Nile said back to Maisha.

"Oh ok~", Maisha who has a relaxing tone and leaned on her chair and drinking the wine.

'Did she get instantly drunk?', Nile thought about Maisha who seemed to look a little drunk.'How strong is the alcohol?'.

With the others.....

They played musical chair, jenga, charades, and pictionary.

The games were fun for them and Clay and Isaac were a duo in playing games which Emeric, Hunter, would lose.

Grandfather Varon stop playing and took a break from the birthday games.

Riko was amused with the entire thing and is funny to see them acting like children.

Somewhere in Evangeline University.....

Someone had picked a fight with Aaron and got beaten up and humiliated by Aaron who was fierce.

Aaron had grown cold towards others who were arrogant by challenging him.

Then his phone vibrates and took out his phone and it was another hot topic.

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