[Ch 22]+(First Kiss Stolen)

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[4 Weeks]+(Present Time)

Nile thought of something and wondered why Aaron always hangs out with him when Isaac and Emeric are not around except for Clay who is just floating by.

What was Aaron's reason?

Does he like me?

[At the Gym]

Nile watched Aaron playing basketball among the other Alphas.

'Should I asked him?', Nile thought and didn't know what to say and wanted to know why he hangs out with him.

Aaron was shooting hoops and would sometimes miss them as players were all serious.

When Nile sees Aaron's amazing physics made him a little jealous on how good Aaron with sports.

And Nile is not good with sports either way he considers himself like an Omega in personality.

Thinking about something he wondered if his health has mentally improved since it's been another 4 weeks now.

Afterwards when the coach had told them to stop playing and dismissed everyone.

Aaron was sweaty and went a little late and entered the locker room and changed clothes.

Someone came in.

"Hey Aaron are you finished changing?", Nile said and scanned Aaron who is muscular.

Damn.... Aaron's chest is something.

Nile somehow gripped the door and averted his eyes, his not used to Aaron'.

"Yeah", Aaron replied back and was embarrassed.

[Outside]+(School Grounds)

"Aaron did you find a strand to enter?", Nile asked as this is the last school year and they will be going to university soon.

"Not yet, what about you?", Aaron said and asked back.

"I have a strand which is STEM, I'll have to take the exams first", Nile said back.

"That's Great for you", Aaron said to Nile.

Nile didn't ask and didn't know what to say about why Aaron is hanging out with him.

It's complicated and he didn't know what Aaron would say about his question.

But Nile could not ask Aaron for it as he thinks it's a bad idea.

What was he going to do?

It's getting complicated for him and he gets this weird feeling.

Nile looked at Aaron and was admired and jealous at the same time.

"Nile, is something boggling your mind?", Aaron asked Nile who is slightly spacing out.

"I-.... Yeah I'm fine", Nile replied back and glanced away.

Aaron didn't know what Nile was feeling right now.

"Can I ask a question?", Nile said as he stopped walking.

"Sure?", Aaron said back and he stood in front of Nile.

"Do you like me?", Nile asked and he had dealt with this situation with Hunter.

Aaron stunned and made eye contact with Nile.

The alpha's who were dare didn't notice the tension between Aaron and Nile as they were going about there day.

"Why did you think of that?", Aaron's palms were sweaty.

"It's just you've been acting sweet and would sometimes help me when I needed one and never say bad things and would release your pheromones when we are together", Nile told him.

When Nile said that it made Aaron embarrassed about the pheromone release.

He didn't want other Omega's go near Nile and wanted to spend more time with Nile.

"Do you think I'm straightforward? Saying what I said?", Nile asked Aaron about it.

"Well... Yes you are straightforward with it, it is true I like you for being odd", Aaron said and confess that he likes Nile.

It's was not the pheromones that made him fell in love but how much time they had spent.

Even though it was just a friendship thing not much is happening.

Nile frown and Aaron is an alpha and he was an Alpha.

Things will be difficult for him and Aaron as pheromones can affect them and would one day find each others Omega's.

And Nile isn't ready for a relationship and wanted to first work his dream.

"Aaron", Nile looked down and didn't dare to look at Aaron in the eyes.

"Yeah?", Aaron replied.

"I'm sorry but I don't think we should be in a relationship, Aaron I'm really sorry but it's better that we don't go straight into a relationship, were still young and we're both Alpha's that aren't computable with each other", Nile said and rejected Aaron.

Aaron didn't like hearing what Nile is saying then Nile added more.

"I want to focus on my future and don't get drawback in a relationship as it will be difficult for me", Nile added and felt Aaron's mood has slumped.

"Is it because of the heat?", Aaron asked Nile.

"Yes, you need an Omega to release your heat and there are chances that it will get worst without an Omega", Nile said back to Aaron who look sceptical.

"Are you going find an Omega once you had finally reach that bright future of yours?", Aaron said and asked towards Nile.

"No I won't be in a relationship for a long time maybe but I don't think I want find an Omega", Nile said and didn't want to tell his condition to Aaron.

Which made Aaron sceptical and is disappointed and thought of something.

"Nile... Once we graduate I want to see you in the future, I will also be single", Aaron said to Nile.

Nile is stunned about it and thought that Aaron must be insane.

"Your kidding right?", Nile said back at Aaron.

"I'm not kidding and even if I'm an Alpha and I'm determine", Aaron said and he didn't lie about it.

"Aaron you shouldn't do this, there are a lot of people that you might like and please don't force yourself into this, you might hurt yourself", Nile pleaded and luckily no one heard as they all left the school grounds.

"Nile", Aaron called out Nile's name and grabbed his left arm and pulled Nile to him.


Nile's eyes were wide open and felt the soft lips of Aaron against his own and he was stiffened by it.

He couldn't believe it.

Aaron had kissed him and it was his first kiss stolen by Aaron.

Feeling that his whole world crashed and knew that Aaron will never give up.

And the kiss made his fate sealed and a sudden feeling was burning inside him as he smelled Aaron's sweet pheromones.

[Thank You For Reading]

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