[Ch 55]+(Sickening +The Little Girl)

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[6 Days Later]+(Present Time)

Nile was not feeling well made an excuse letter to the professor about his sickness today.

He was bedridden.

Clay and Riko were both worried and Emeric was also here.

[Nile's Bedroom]

"Sooo..... How did you get sick?", Emeric asked his friend/Nile.

Nile didn't say anything as he was not in a good mood.

Which made Emeric a little irritated because Nile didn't reply to his question.

Then Emeric notice that Nile's phone had a lot of notifications and it he was impatient.

"Don't!", Nile exclaimed but it was too late.

Emeric saw the the person's name a familiar name that made his blood cold.

"Nile, why? Why didn't you tell me that you've been talking to Aaron Strife", Emeric said and didn't yell as he might made Nile stressed out.

"I-", Nile was cut off by Emeric.

"Don't excuse yourself Nile. Now I know why your mental health plummeted so suddenly", Emeric said and is serious and is displeasure'd about it.

And is worried about Nile.

He shut down Nile's phone and put it back at the desk beside the bed.

"You need to rest, I'll probably inform Isaac and Hunter about your situation, I'm going to talk with Clay and Emeric", Emeric told Nile.

Nile nodded and didn't disagree with Emeric who left the room afterwards fo talk with Clay and Riko.

[Living Room]

Clay and Riko had been explaining on what happened to Emeric.

"Let me guess this straight", Emeric said and pause for moment and continue saying", Victor/His Highness had cause a bombshell about Aaron being Nile's stalker and that's why Nile's health suddenly plummet so sudden?".

"Yes, Afterwards there was a lot of drama happening between the two of them, then Nile left Aaron", Riko said and told Emeric.

"Oh", Emeric muttered and said,"We should take Nile to the hospital".

"Ok", Riko responded and while Clay left and went to check his father's/Nile's condition.

With Isaac and Hunter.....

"Oh god not again", Isaac who heard from Emeric that Nile is not in good condition again.

"Isaac. What happen? What's going on?", Hunter came in and asked Isaac on what is going on.

Isaac turned off his phone and said,"Emeric called me and it's about Nile..... his not in good health".

Hunter frown and confused on what made Nile's condition worst.

"We should visit him and personally asked Emeric on what is truly going on", Isaac said.

"Right", Hunter replied and is rubbing his stomach.

His stomach had grown large and soon Hunter will give birth to they're son.

With Aaron.....

Aaron really screwed the entire thing and imade Nile ran away because of him stalking.

He has been trying to message and call Nile but he didn't respond and it made him concerned and scared.

'I should apologize', Aaron thought and want to have a second chance and try to maybe get therapy.

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