[Ch 31]+(Not A Stone)

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[White Void Dimension]

The entire place was a complete white void.

'What the hell?', Nile thought as he was floating in midair.

He remembered that he was in the second floor hallway of his apartment.

And he was confused and worried as he doesn't know where he is.

"Hello?", Nile said which his words echo in the white void until it became quiet again.

Non responded that made Nile's mind unsettled of being alone alone he couldn't hear nearby people.

Then something was moving above him.

Nile looked up and saw the same yellow stone that he grabbed out of Clay's backpack.

His right hand tries to reach the yellow stone that was on top of him.

When he reaches the yellow stone it changes color into Purplish Pink color.

He then put down his hand and opened his palm and saw the beautiful stone however the stone started cracking.

Niel closed with both his hands and was frightened.

Should he throw the stone or hold it a little longer and see what happens next?.

The noise of the cracking filled the white void, the entire place was cracking and falling apart and Nile felt more scared.

Then something was wiggling within his palms and it was flapping.

Like a fish tail wiggling in his palms.

Nile focused his eyes on his hands and slowly opened it as his surroundings were falling apart.

It was a little merman.

[Little Merman]+(Purplish Pink)

[Little Merman]+(Purplish Pink)

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[Back To Reality]

Nile jolted awake from the sofa however his eyes are blurry and hearing was unclear.

But everything was clear afterwards.

It was Isaac and Emeric that was in front of him.

"Nile thank goodness you're awake we thought you were dead", Isaac said in a concerning voice.

Clay had been crying and holding tightly to Hunter's sleeves, he was comforting Clay by caressing him.

"Dead?", Nile thought was an incredulous thing to hear.

"Yeah you stopped breathing minutes ago, we were about to call the ambulance when you suddenly woke up", Emeric told Nile.

"To add to the situation you were holding something which well.... A fish that Emeric put into a bowl of water", Isaac said and told the Nile about it.

"The fish is at the table swimming in the bowl", Emeric said.

Nile didn't know what to say and was speechless and thought the little merman in the white void.

But he needed physical evidence.

"..... Can you show me..... The fish you guys are talking about", Nile wanted to see the fish right now.

Clay came running to him and pounced on Nile's arm, He hugged the little dragon tightly and apologized.

While Emeric came to get the bowl where the fish was swimming in it.

He showed the little fish in the bowl to Nile.

'The little merman is..... real', Nile was stunned as he saw the little fish swimming in the bowl.

"We found traces of your magic inside the fish, Clay told that the yellow stone had cracked in half, the fish came out of it", Hunter said walked in.

'I must be dreaming, it's not a stone', Nile thought.

Nile didn't react and with a sudden move he fainted and fell back to the sofa which  the friends and Clay were shocked and try to wake Nile up.

Emeric put the fish on the wooden table and helped them wake Nile up..

The little merman watched the chaotic scene and tilted his head in confusion on what they were doing.

The apartment had become chaos.

"Haaa~ Kids these days", Jacob who was irritated by the loud noises.

Jacob had heard many noises in Nile's apartment it was annoying.

Instead of going to the apartment to tell them to minimize the sound.

He took out his headphones and put them on his head and listened to old music.

It was not his problem.

His getting old.

[2 Day Later]+(Present Time)

Nile had been doing well but not much.

His adjusting to his new situation of having another person to take care of.

Which is the little merman.

Unlike Clay who is normal size, the little merman is small as his palm and is scared that he might accidentally crush the little merman or worse.

His overreacting about dangers that might occur anywhere.

Nile use some magic protection to make sure that the little merman didn't get killed in situation where Nile might accidentally step on the little merman if he was on the floor.

It was to terrifying to think.

And he was able to understand the little merman's language with magic translation.

His not good at learning different strange languages because his using magic to translate it for him.

Nile doesn't know the mermaid/merman language at all.

The little merman didn't have a name so he named the little merman as Riko, it means "Jasmine Child".

He named him Riko as Nile as smelled the merman's scent and it was jasmine so he named him Riko.

A simple name with a nice meaning to it.

Clay had been looking at the merman and is also able to understand easily without magic and to Nile's surprised that Clay and Riko got along without any fights or arguments.

A long dragon and a merman.

Now his taking care of two people under his own wing.

Nile had been confused what merman's eat as he didn't know how to take care of a merman.

He tried a lot of foods and its diet is based on seafood that is raw.

And he got a question popping out of nowhere in his head.

Are all mermaids and mermans beautiful since birth?

Nile questions that part a lot of times.

He had never seen a real life mermaid/merman do to them being just myth's straight out a fairytale or horror stories and tv shows in his previous life.

Wondering also if the voice of a mermaid/merman can literally male anyone feel in a trance.

Nile wanted to know how beautiful Riko's voice is however he can't force the little merman to sing for him.

That probably won't happen right now.

[Thank You For Reading]

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