[Ch 44]+(Hot Topic About Nile)

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[2 Weeks Later]+(Present Time)

The media had been booming because of Nile's action.

He had become the hot topic of media.

Due to his heroic action he saved the civilians before the police came and killing the mutated beast.

However some people commented that he was reckless with his own life and some called it a sacrifice to protect the people.

It was a heated fight between two groups that were arguing to one another.

And the paparazzi's wanted to see and interview Nile(Who is not yet awake) in the interstellar hospital.

But the police did not let them enter the hospital.

If they dare to enter the patient's room it would be trespassing and would be escorted by the police out of the hospital.

[Patients Room]

Emeric is jarred on how much letters were delivered for Nile to read however he didn't open letters.

As it's only for Nile not for them.

Everyone was shocked and Riko look at the back of the envelope.

'Marriage Proposal?', Riko thought and knew what this was anyway.

'Nile would probably reject this letters', He thought and a some slight information about Nile.

Nile has no interest is marriage yet.

"What do you think would Nile's reaction would be?", Emeric asked and question the two of them.

"Dad would probably be stupefied and stressed out", Clay said.

"Or be shocked on how many letters he got, minus the stress part", Riko added in Clay's words and said.

"Oh ok?", Emeric didn't know to to react and knew that Clay and Riko might end up being right or wrong about it.

"We should arrange the letters what we will be saying to Nile", Riko said and put the letter down on the stroller that was brought in by the nurse.

"Uh huh, might as well not make Nile panic go much about it", Emeric said and told.

"Is it because of stalkers?", Clay said to Emeric about it.

"Yea—..... Wait what? Did you say stalkers?", Emeric who was dumbfounded about the stalker thing that Clay said.

""Yep"", Riko and Clay replied in unison to Emeric's question.

"How long has this been going on?", Emeric questions again and he didn't know that people were stalking Nile.

"Since Dad's highschool years, weren't you friends with Dad in the academy", Clay told Emeric.

"Oh, I just didn't notice that Nile was being stalked", Emeric said and is smiled awkwardly.

"I've been wondering if your denser then Nile", Riko said.

"Riko, I'm not dense! Besides I was young back then and didn't know what was going on with Nile", Emeric refuted back at Riko.

"Hahahah ok ok your not dense", Riko laugh and rolled his eyes.

With Nile.....

[Nile's Consciousness]+(Dream World)

Nile didn't know where he was and this place was not apart of his mind.

"Where in the world I'm I?", Nile said and this place was a cave.

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