[Ch 13]+(Battle Between Dog & Lion)

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{Isaac Dogger Vs. Derick Anderson}

Was shown on the large screen of the stadium.

Nile and Emeric looks surprised by the battle match up and it seemed that Isaac is determine to fight Derick.

"His going to fight Derick?", Emeric said and is a little worried.

"Yep", Nile said as Isaac left his set and so did Derick.

When the two were finally out they had different mechs.

'Derick's mech looks like a knight type mech', Nile thought about Derick's mech.

It was generic for him to use a knight mech.

Nile is worried as Derick is also a yellow rank meaning that Isaac and Derick are the same rank.

He wonders who will win.

With Isaac...

Isaac was inside his mech that has roller skate instead of metal feet.

Him and Derick were face to face as the entire stadium was silent and excited to watch the battle.

'Its gonna get complicated', Derick thought as he saw the feet of Isaac's mech.

And the battle begins.

Back with Nile and Emeric...

They were watching intensely as Isaac was fast and slashing Derick who was using a shield to block the incoming attack and attacking back at Isaac.

Derick swung his sword at Isaac who was able to back away before his mech was slash.

They then clashed with each other's sword and the pressure of the surrounding suddenly had become more tense than ever.

'Derick has good defense however Isaac's speed and fast hits were attacking him everywhere', Nile thought and there are chances that Derick might win or Isaac as they were both equal.

The two were at odds.

Isaac charged at Derick full speed and Derick was holding his large sword tightly in his grasp.

'I can maybe push him off the ring', Derick thought as he stand his group and will be using his shield to push Isaac off.

When Isaac sprinted towards Derick.

The shield hit Isaac and pushed him back so far and Isaac was surprised and was able to stop his movement.

Back with Nile And Emeric...

"That's a relief", Nile said as Isaac was nearly pushed off the ring.

"Derick's tactic is just staying still and defense to block Isaac's incoming attack", Emeric said while watching their battle.

Isaac jumped up and pointed his sword down at Derick.

However Derick dodge moved away and the two were now in a fierce battle as Derick's tactic no longer is working.

They charged at each other and mocking each other.

With Hunter...

Hunter is not in a good mood as Isaac is clashing with Derick.

It was too intense for him to watch but he had to watch.

Everyone couldn't do much as Isaac and Derick were battling in speed.

But it seems that Derick's mech was damaged while Isaac has less damage in his mech.

'Isaac please win!', Hunter thought and prayed that Isaac win.

Derick was exhausted.

Isaac was exhausted but determined to defeat Derick.

Both were in their last attack and scream of a battlecry as both swords clash causing a huge noise boom and dust clouds.

Back with Nile and Emeric...

"Who won?", Emeric couldn't see as the dust cloud is still there.

Everyone was murmuring and soon enough the dust cloud faded and the entire ring was destroyed.

'No way', Nile thought as he saw Derick's large sword stabbed the side part of Isaac's Mecha.

And Isaac destroyed all parts of Derick's mech.

Maisha came into action and ran to the ring along with the robots medic as they came to save Isaac and Derick.

"Isaac!", Hunter shouts his name as Maisha pulls out Isaac who was injured and the robot Derick who is also injured and spitting blood.

Hunter ran and it surprised the Omega's and watched as Hunter ran to the ring.

Nile and Emeric also came and helped Maisha.

At the clinic...

"Damn... Derick chopped off your arm", Maisha said as she shivered.

Nile, Emeric, and Hunter were beside Isaac's bed and while Derick's group came and were worried.

"Isaac's need to rest because your mental power has been exhausted I'm going to check Mr. Anderson over there", Maisha said as she left them.

Emeric gave the chair to Hunter who sat on it and looked at Isaac as he hadn't woken up yet.

Nile didn't say a word and was looking at his unconscious friend and shaking as he remembered that Isaac was dripping with blood.

It was horrible.

He didn't want to remember the nightmare he had days ago that was his memory of his previous life.

His mother killed his older brother and then hanged herself.

Niel couldn't erase that memory.

"Hunter you should leave now as there are too many alpha's inside the clinic", Nile said in a concerned tone as Hunter's heat might trigger.

It would've been worse as there are Alpha's inside the clinic.

"Ok then, I'll be going and call me if Isaac has woken up", Hunter said and stood up and left the clinic Ashe closed the door from behind him.

Emeric blinked and tilted his head at Nile.

'Nile is caring Alpha', Emeric thought about Nile.

The battle was cancelled because Isaac and Derick destroyed the entire stadium battle group as there were many chunks scattered on the ground and holes.

Nile wanted to use his mech, he guessed that it would never happen right now and it would take a few days to repair the stadium ground.

[Night Time]

Isaac had woken up in confusion.

He couldn't move his body and could slightly feel some pain in his body and was lying on a bed.

"Hey", Nile said.

"What happened?", Isaac asked Nile.

"You and Derick were injured and unconscious inside the mech, some of the body parts of the mech were destroyed and both of you were injured and the battle was a tie", Nile exclaimed at Isaac.

"Did I get crippled?", Isaac said as he didn't want to be disabled.

"No, your alright and Ms. Maisha said that you need to rest", Nile said back at Isaac who is a little dizzy.

"Ok?", Isaac replied and went back to sleep and Nile didn't leave the clinic as he needed to watch over Isaac.

[Thank You For Reading]

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