[Ch 27]+(Forest Garden+Recommendation)

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[Next Day]+(Present Time)

Everyone right now is walking together within the forest of Stella on a stone path for safe walking.

The forest was beautiful and the jungle forest without vines.

There were wild animals too but they are passive and won't harm anyone if they provoke them the animals will become hostile and attack.

"A forest garden?", Nile said in interest.

"Yeah within Stella is a forest garden that has many rare plants growing and the scenery is beautiful", Hunter told them.

"What rare plants are there anyway?", Emeric asked Hunter.

"I can't tell you", Hunter said."Besides it would ruin the fun if we tell you", Isaac added to Hunter's words.

"Oh", Clay responded.

[Island Of Stella]+(Forest Garden)

[Forest Garden]

"Woah this place is beautiful", Emeric said as his eyes were glimmering

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"Woah this place is beautiful", Emeric said as his eyes were glimmering.

"Wait, these purple flowers are..", Nile said as his eyes widened.

"Moon Bell Flowers", Hunter replied to him.

"Aren't Moon Bell Flowers rare? There are so many of them here in Stella", Emeric said and is shocked about it.

"These Moon Bell Flowers are rarer than the Aurora Lotus and Sapphire Soul", Isaac told them.

Moon Bell Flowers were considered the rarest along with it's counterpart Sun Bell Flowers.

"I've read the book about Moon Bell Flowers that they are able to heal and make a breakthrough both physical and spiritual, they only grow within a tropical island", Nile said and the planet interstellar doesn't have a forest.

"You knew about this and what's your rank now Hunter?", Emeric said and asked.

"Ha it would be Crimson Rank and Isaac is Red Rank", Hunter told them the good news of them ranking up.

"Congrats!", Emeric said with a smile.

"I wanted to study the Moon Bell Flowers and I think that Emeric could rank up if you let us have permission to get some Moon Bell Flowers", Nile said and Clay on the other hand is distracted by the beautiful butterflies.

The butterflies were no ordinary butterflies as they were called Luna Butterflies are the ones that take care of the Moon Bell Flowers in Island Of Stella.

"Let's explore the Forest Garden more", Isaac said and everyone nodded their heads and went exploring.

Nile plucked 8 Moon Bell Flowers and had been watching over Clay.

He didn't want Clay to get lost into the Forest Garden.

[With Aaron]

Aaron had been having rivals within the military university.

It was his first day of university and things were making him cold and aggressive.

"It will just be one year", Aaron said to himself and doesn't like his classmates at all.

The school is strict which was not a problem for him.

Aaron will have to endure and have one goal right now is to be a General of the interstellar empire.

He had been cultivating his body to rank up and now his rank is Red Rank.

Back with the group...

"You sure you don't want those Luna Butterflies to leave you alone Nile?", Emeric said and is amused with the situation.

Nile's head had landed with many Luna Butterflies and they seemed passive and didn't mind Nile's presence.

"Pretty Dad! Dad's pretty!", Clay cheerfully said in an innocent tone and it made Isaac choke on his own saliva as he tried not to laugh.

Hunter helps Isaac not choke on his saliva, Hunter pat and rubbed his boyfriend's back.

Emeric is even more amused and Nile is peaceful with the entire thing.

Like a person who is mediating.

Nile was relaxed and felt the butterflies touching his hair.

[1 Hour Later]:[Time 12: 23 A.M]

They all went back to the resort area and went to a bar and drank some alcohol except for Nile and Clay.

Nile doesn't like alcohol as it burns his throat and didn't like the taste.

Hunter, Isaac, nor Emeric didn't force Nile at all.

Hunter is 19, Isaac is 18, Emeric is 19, Clay is 2 years old, and Nile is 18 years old and is allowed to drink but he doesn't really like alcohol.

Nile drank some orange juice and Clay is drinking a chocolate milkshake.

The servers were nice to chat with and they were beta's who are great at there job working in the bar.

Nile is chatting with a male server named Zenin and he was a cool guy who is good at jokes making Nile laughed.

He likes the interaction along with his friends and son.

The female beta server had been doting over Clay and had a happy atmosphere with it.

With Maisha...

Maisha had taken a break and reading the internet on her smartphone.

She had read a lot of things in the media and at the same time is texting with Nile on how he is doing.

Nile was doing well and his mental state and nothing triggering happen to him.

It's made Maisha relief to read the message.

Maisha had been recommending Nile to go to therapy so that Nile will be able to heal completely.

Nile replied back that he would go to therapy however he was already on vacation and is in another planet.

She text back to him that after his vacation is over he would then go to therapy.

Back at the Island Of Stella.....

Nile texted and reading Maisha's messages and understood what Maisha's is doing for him.

'Therapy?', Nile thought and wondering a lot and remembered that he had never gone through in consulting with a therapist even from his previous life.

He was too insecure back then is afraid that he would be given a negative comment.

But he is sure he would go through with this trauma and kissing incident.

Unlike Isaac who has been having therapy after he left the his family.

Isaac was doing well.

Unlike him and wanted to remove his negative memories of his Mother and Big Brothers death.

He was scared of his mother even though his mother from his previous life was not abusive.

His mother was depressed as she was abandoned by his father for another women from her freshman year.

Nile wants to let go of his past.

And had been wondering why his mother let him live.

[Thank You For Reading]

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