[Ch 37]+(Jealousy+More Lore)

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When the birthday party was over and everyone said goodbye to one another.

Nile and Emeric had escorted Maisha back to her home and afterwards they left and went back to their own apartments.

[Nile's Apartment]

Nile put Clay to bed and put Riko into the spatial pocket to sleep.

He was mentally exhausted and Nile wanted to straight out go to bed.

Cleaning himself and changed clothes and slump on his bed with an exhausted expression.

Starting to fall asleep, Nile closed his eyes and blink slightly and instantly fall asleep on his comfortably bed.

[5 Months Later]:[Present Time]


He is exercising early in the morning in a gym that their is no one here yet except for Nile and the staff who were working in the gym

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He is exercising early in the morning in a gym that their is no one here yet except for Nile and the staff who were working in the gym.

Nile had been uncomfortable as something was watching him from a far.

Clay was on the treadmill walking slowly and Riko was given his new appearance and longer small and have his fishtail.

Riko is just sitting on the chair.

However Nile suspected that it was the Omega's who were stalking him.

Shiver ran down his spine and thinking about yandere's from his previous life the sheer terror of meeting an actual yandere.

Nile would be scared out of his mind if he was kidnapped or harm the people he cared the most.

It's terrible to see them in a bad state.

Their were so many possibilities that it would have happen.

Anxiety was sipping in however Riko was able to calm him down with simple and calming words.

"Nile want some cobra energy drink?", Riko asked Nile.

Nile stopped doing jump ropes it was fun by the way when exercising.

It pumps the heart.

His heart was beating fast from exercising with the jumping rope.

Nile grab the cobra energy drink from Riko's hand and thanked him.

Opening the bottle cap twisting it and it made a "hiss" noise.

Gulping it down, Nile loves the taste but he would rather prefer the berry cobra flavor energy drink.

Riko didn't drank the cobra energy drink since he dislikes the taste, he would prefer water and juice.

Clay stop the treadmill and took a breather as he was a little exhausted.

'i don't feel safe at all', Nile thought as the gazes made him uncomfortable, he was self-aware with the Omega's nearby.

Throwing the cobra energy drink that Nile drank into the trashcan that is on the side of the wall.

He has not mentioned that he had become fit and had develop his muscles and his stature has changed as he is now 6.3 tall.

Just in months, Nile didn't give up in exercising his body.

"Nile we need to leave now', Riko whispered to Nile's ear.

"Right, I don't wanna stay here', Nile whispered back as the Omega's were here in the gym.

Before they left they went in the change room to change their sweaty clothes into more decent and does not smell sweaty.

[On The Streets]

Nile, Clay, and Riko are walking together.

Clay was walking in-between them holding their hands.

They look like a family which some nearby Omega's who were stalking Nile were jealous and angry towards Riko.

The omega's has been swooning over Nile since he was in Aubrey Academy and everyone each one of them wanted to be Nile's omega wife.

Some of the beta's who were looking at Nile, Clay, and Riko were happily chatting about them being a happy family and took some pictures of them walking by.

[Inside A Small Diner]

They went to eat however Nile didn't eat because he was busy doing something on his laptop that he took out from his backpack.

Nile was busy doing an exam.

This quiz consists of STEM-exam-related multiple-choice questions that are designed to test your knowledge on this subject. STEM (stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) is a broad term that groups together these four academic skills and disciplines.

He didn't want to fail the exam it would crushed his dream of being a rich CEO in a large mech company of his own.

Sweating profusely he was focus on finishing his exam no matter what and he will passed the Stem Exam before school starts.

[Somewhere Within The Palace Of Rias]

The room was a mess and many items were on the ground.

Victor was unhappy seeing a media post about Nile with another omega.

What made it worst is the post written a happy couple walking with they're child.

He was a mess after reading the post and someone dare to still the Alpha that he wish to marry.

Nile was an ideal alpha for him.

Victor smashed another vase and felt that his fury had not gone down because of the media post by a beta had made.

However he has a rivalry with Aaron right now.

He knew Aaron's identity since he was child and is the only the one that knew that Aaron is the heir to the Strider Ducal House.

Victor didn't want to offend nor make an enemy out of the Ducal Strider.

Unlike other Ducal Families of the interstellar empire the Strider are to be feared because of their money and power that they had since the beginning of the founding of the empire.

Short story.

Long ago the Strider Family first ancestor was supposed to be the emperor because of his great merits however he refused and gave the emperor position to Rias Ancestor.

The Strider Ancestor has no interest in ruling a large empire and prefer the duke position.

The Rias did not dare offend the Strider's as they had more power them the Rias Royal Family.

The Strider Family was supposed to be the Royals not the Rias Family.

And the time a noble dare accused the Strider Family with embezzlement and insulted them without any proof, he was stripped of his nobility and sent to a desolate star filled with mutated beast that were hungry.

His family on the other hand was still living in the interstellar planet as normal people living among the beta's.

They were not at fault for what the man did, his family is innocent with the entire ordeal.

Victor knew that story from his omega mother.

The story was indeed true.

[Thank You For Reading]

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