[Ch 50]+(Exorcism)

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After they said goodbye to each other and left on they're separate ways.

"Your going dating Aaron?", Clay said and thought that it was a choice to let them talk alone together.

"Yes, I give him a second chance and hope we could have something in common", Nile said to Clay.

'Does that mean Aaron will be my Mom?', Clay thought and never been thinking of it.

He was happy he had a dad but didn't have a mom but he was wondering.

"Are you going to become boyfriend's with Aaron, Dad?", Clay asked Nile.

"No not yet I don't think, me and Aaron are in the dating phase were not officially boyfriend's", Nile said and told Clay.

'They're taking it slow', Clay thought about Nile and Aaron in a relationship that came out of nowhere.

[Nighttime]+[Time 9: 34 P.M]+(Nile's Apartment)

Nile has fallen asleep.

The door open and Riko came in with a some of the items, he needed to exorcist the spirit.

'Need to put out some protection', Riko had prepared everything.

And had brought holy water that he went to the christian church secretly.

'Let's begin', Riko put everything on a table and grab a book and cross to begin.

[Dream World]

Nile sat on the swing set that he use to swing on however he didn't swing and sat their and is creeped by something.

And he was a kid in this dream and didn't know why he was a kid and was in his old appearance before being Nile.

The surrounding and atmosphere was off and it was not lively.

The sky turned red again and realized that his mother had came to haunt him again.


His nickname echoed and how eerie it was Nile left the swing set and ran away.

Nile is repeating the nightmare all over again.

Them he was hit by a speeding car and once again came back to the swing set.

It confused him and aware that this was not normal and he was panicked and didn't know what was going on.

He did the same thing trying to escape his mother who was screaming for his name.

When he ran back to the house he was cornered they're as the house was a trap, a place he couldn't escape.

Nile ran into his old room and locked the door as he was sobbing.

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*


She yelled and making a screeching noise and trying to break down the door and it made Nile back away and trying to open the window however it was closed shut.

Nile covered his ears and was indeed trap and is afraid to face her, he curled at the corner of the room.

He couldn't control his dream.

Closing his eyes and prepared for the worst thing that could happen.

The mother continue her rampage until it suddenly stopped.

He notice that from outside the sky became sky blue.

When he was about to look closer from the window.

Nile heard a knock that startled him and thought it might be a trick.

"Gabby? Are you there?", it was Holio's voice and Nile felt the urge to open it.

"I'm gonna use the key to open the door", Holio said and a key was inserted into the keyhole and a *clack* was heard.

And Nile look and behold it was Holio not they're mother.

He cried and seeing his brother and ran to him and hugged him and it was a little tight.

Holio was not bothered by the tightness and caresses Nile's head.

"Hey Gabby, Mom is not gonna hurt you", Holio said.

Nile was sniffling, he was embarrassed for making such a childish action however he was glad Holio was here in his dream to console him.

"It's time to let go", Holio said as he kissed his younger brothers forehead."There is a future ahead of you".


Nile was dizzy hearing his second name out of his brothers mouth and closed his eyes and sinked.

And he was a sobbing mess with snot coming out of his nose, Nile was petrified of his mother however his brother was his solace.

[Real World]

Riko had finish the exorcism and saw tears flowing out of Nile's eyes and he use a towel nearby within the room.

"It worked smoothly", Riko said and had to clean the mess of the room as everything was misplaced and scattered all over the room.

Riko sighing as spirits really leave a huge mess for him to clean.

Luckily he remembered where the items are in there place.

[Morning]:[Time 7: 23 A.M]

Nile had woken up groggily and was a little sleepy however he pushed his body and mind to wake up and sat up.

Confused and cried at the same time.

He had a foggy dream however he felt his spirit being lifted somehow.

"Dad what's wrong?", Clay came in and saw his father/Nile crying and hurriedly went to his side to console him.

Nile couldn't stop sobbing and calm down a little and said.

"I'm fine Clay, I-I just.....", Nile stammered and couldn't say it.

Clay went to the window and pushed the button which automatically opened the window and air came in that Niel greedily inhales and exhales.

With Riko.....

Riko was happily sleeping and woken up when the sun had brightest the entire room.

Woken up and yawned as he cracked his knuckles that had a cracking noise.

"Haaa~", Riko had a nice dream stretched his body.

That was hectic for Riko and slightly his back was hurt from bending down and cleaning up the messed in Nile's bedroom.

Riko had been sleeping in his fishtank in Clay's room and saw that Clay was no longer in his bed.

'He must be down stairs to Nile's room', Riko thought and turned into his human form and went into his separate closet to change his clothes into a more casual one.

And left the room as he went down stairs to get a drink but he can't drink cold water early morning.

Riko grabbed the glass out of the cabinet and went to the sink and turn on the faucet and water came pouring into the cup.

Then he drank some water, gulping it down his throat and into his body, it was cool and had a expression of relief.

With Nile and Clay.....

Nile didn't let go of Clay as the comfort of someone made him/Nile secure.

His son was his comfort just like his older brother Holio.

Clay has been confused and dumbfounded on what is going on with his father/Nile.

[Thank You For Reading]

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