[Ch 9]+(Rare Plants+Spider Cave)

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After the blizzard was over.

Nile and Isaac went up the mountain as search for any rare beast, plants, or even ores.

"A lot of Alpha's have been eliminated after entering the Ice Mountain", Nile said.

"Oh... That might be dead, half dead, or injured", Isaac said and shudders from fear.

[Hours Later]

"This is a small ice pond", Isaac said it was a very beautiful place.

"I read from the book that those plants over there on the water are called aurora lotus that are used in cultivating they are considered valuable due to it being able to cultivate the body", Nile said and is holding the book.

"I'll get it", Isaac said and Nile came along.

The pond is completely frozen and they were sometimes slipping on the ice.

"Oop!", Isaac yelped.

Isaac accidentally fell and slid away with a stupid face.

'Pfft', Nile covered his mouth seeing Isaac being a dummy.

Nile snickers with the scene.

They collected some of the Aurora Lotus and some were planted inside of Nile's spatial pocket that has a frozen environment.

"Woah", Isaac had wide eyes at a strange plant.

"Nile do you know what plant this is?", Isaac yelled in question.

"What plant?", Nile slowly slid towards Isaac from the other side of the pond.

"This one", Isaac pointed at the flower.


"Let me check the book", Nile said

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"Let me check the book", Nile said.

Flipping more pages with fast speed fingers.

"Found it, it's called sapphire soul: a plant that is able to repair the soul who's been shattered from breakthrough", Nile finished the reading.

"You should plant the sapphire soul in your spatial pocket", Isaac suggested to Nile.

"That won't be a bad idea, Isaac", Nile agreed to Isaac's suggestion about planting the Sapphire Soul inside of the spatial pocket.

Isaac wagged his tail.

After they collected the plants in the pond they went in the direction where all the other Alphas were eliminated.

At the inner parts of the Ice Mountain...

"This is ominous... ", Nile said as there were skeletons everywhere.

"There is no one here, I don't like it", Isaac and felt the atmosphere is way too creepy.

"Continue walking I'll watch from behind", Nile said and Isaac nodded to him.

Walking the only noise was their footsteps.

When they were looking around and scanning the entire large cave they heard a scream from afar.

"What was that?!", Isaac said in a low tone.

"Go there and save the student", Nile said.

Nile ran fast and Isaac was slightly slow and couldn't catch with Nile's.

"Hey wait up!", Isaac yelled out to Nile.

Somewhere in the large cave...

"Oh god", Isaac covered his mouth and saw a horrible scene.

The other cave was covered in cobwebs and some Alpha's were killed and wrapped in cobwebs hanging in the ceiling.

Nile looked stunned and used his magic detection to detect anyone who is alive inside the cobwebs.

'Someone is alive!', Nile thought and the left corner of the cave and went to that direction.

"Someone's alive", Nile whispered pointing at a person wrapped in cobweb.

"Alright, I'm going to be on guard to make sure those beast won't ambush us", Isaac whispered back to Nile.

They nodded at each other and Nile went to the left.

He sneakily walked and there were many bones in the group which must be from the previous students long ago that are nothing but bones.

Once he reaches the person, Nile takes out his Katana and starts cutting the webs.

When he finally cut the cobweb he was shocked and glanced at the person.

"Emeric?", Nile said his name of his classmate.

Emeric Ronan is an Otter one of his classmates in his classroom who doesn't talk much.

"He survived", Nile said towards the unconscious Emeric.

"Nile! We should go now!", Isaac called out his name.

"What?", Nile looked from behind and saw Isaac running towards him.

Isaac stopped at the side and said in a panic expression.

"The spiders are here we go now or we will get killed if we don't leave right now!", Isaac said whose words slightly blurted.

"Understood", Nile responded and he carried Emeric from behind his back and they ran out of the spider cave as the spider and its pack has now entered the cave.

Outside of the cave...

"Hooo~ we got out before they came", Isaac is relieved that they were out and wiped the sweat off his forehead.

"We shouldn't take a break now, we should already go as tomorrow the beast hunt will be over", Nile said and adjusting his position as Emeric keeps sleeping from his back.

Emeric has not woken up and Nile and Isaac needs to go back to the valley to rest.

The three of them went somewhere in the ice mountains without encountering any beast on their way.

As they left the ice mountains without wounds nor scratches on them.

It's better off to be a cowardly mouse than a fierce lion looking for danger.

Those who survived the wilderness of this planet were considered strong and the weak ones who some are dead will be mourned by the family of that Alpha who died on this planet.

With Maisha...

Maisha had been stressful and there were many alpha's injured and sent to be healed from their injuries and wound in their body.


What made him happy is that Nile and Isaac were not eliminated meaning they are still alive and the beast hunt will be over soon since there were too many deaths happening.

If there are less alpha's it would be a competition for the Omega's as they needed to be match with the Alpha who had survived

The beast hunt is something that makes Alpha's excitement and fear of it as it's a game of life and death and which path they are going around the planet.

Maisha went to help with the other nurses who were hurriedly and scrambling around the place.

It was a messy day for Maisha.

[Thank You For Reading]

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