[Ch 49]+(Father & Son Bonding+Feelings)

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[Location]:[Ice Skating Rink]

Their were less people within within the ice skating rink only 7 people were they're.

Nile and Clay were sitting on the wooden bench and wearing they're ice skates.

"Let's go", Clay said who stood up and was already skating like an expert without falling.

Clay slide into the skating rink.

"Ok", Nile gulped as he was afraid to fall and stood up a little shaken however Clay help him and they slowly went into the skating rink.

Clay held his hand, Nile was a little scared to slip on the ice floor.

'Clay is good at this..... I wonder why his so good at it?', Nile thought about Clay's mastery in ice skating.

It might be because Clay had an affinity to water.

While they were skating someone had came who would probably make Nile uncomfortable.

It was Aaron of course who was walking with his father towards the ice skating rink.

Nile was having fun until he saw Aaron and his father.

His face stiffened and stop ice skating and is a little wobbly on the rink.

Clay stop after Nile stopped.

"Dad is something wrong?", Clay who skate slowly beside his father/Nile.

Anton is the first person to notice Nile and it was tension when he saw his son's/Aaron's eyes glued to Nile.

[1 Minute Later]

"You must be Nile", Anton had entered the rink and skating as he stopped in front of Nile.

"H-Hi Mr. Strife", Nile blurted and is afraid go meet Aaron again.

Clay on the other hand is holding tightly in his father's hands.

'Dad, calm down, nothing bad is goin to happen", Clay whispered to Nile's right ear.

Nile listened to Clay and is calm now.

"Mr. Strife are you also skating with Aaron.....", Nile looked at Aaron and noticed that the scar on Aaron's left side of his face is gone.

"Hey Nile", Aaron greeted him and had some ecstatic tone to it.

Nile didn't want to say anything.

"Likewise Aaron, it's been a while seems I've seen you", Nile said and thought that this was another set up just like from previous.

Anton felt the tension in the air and had a stupid decision for once in his life.

"How about you both talk somewhere and try to fix the misunderstanding", Anton said and glance at Nile.

'You fudge what are you doing!', Nile yelled in his mind at Anton.

And Clay joined in and said in a innocent tone.

"Yeah! Mr. Strife is right maybe you two can fixed the misunderstanding! Don't worry I'll be their when things escalate", Clay wanted the two to communicate in a slow manner however he will be alert and made sure Nile was not again kissed in a heated way.

'You too Clay..... I thought we were a team', Nile thought and wondered where Clay got that idea.

"Exactly", Anton agreed to Clay.

"Just try to fix things slowly", Anton said and maybe they would become friends.

Oh how wrong Anton was.

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