[Ch 4]+(Mecha)

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[3 Weeks]

Nile had stars for the mecha's that were designed to fight.

'This is a dream come true', Nile thought as his fantasy of riding a mech is a dream come true.

He is in robotics laboratory right now where mechas are made by students.

"Alright everyone this is Robotics Building where all of you will be creating or build your own mecha's, questions asked?", Jordan said and is holding a pen and a paper clip to a board.

No one responded and we're excited to create their own mech.

"Ok? Everyone goes to their own areas and don't rush yourselves building a Mecha and don't worry about the beast core as that part will be handled, I'll be back in a jiffy", Jordan said and walks away from the students as he goes to converse with the other teachers.

With the mecha room...

"What should I make?", Nile thought as there were many choices of creating mech.

He is at the table and holding a pencil.

The blueprint is large and Nile had been thinking.

"A Mecha with a tail attached to it?", Nile thought as if the mecha had a tail he can maneuver his Mecha.

Nile first made the mecha's body before the weapons.

He had many erasers and scribbling as he used some ruler to measure the design and its function.

"I need a beast core to turn on the mech", Nile thought.

But he wondered on where his going to get one however his teacher was going to handle that part.


"Nile are you in there?", Isaac called out his friend.

"Yes, you can come in if y-you like", Nile said back to Isaac.

The door automatically opens and Isaac enters.

"What are you drawing?", Isaac leans to look at the blueprint.

"Mech Design", Nile said which made Isaac have a straight face.

'This guy is plain', Isaac thought about Nile.

"Why are you here?", Nile asked and his speech no longer stutters.

"I had nothing to do since others were doing training and I skipped it just to see you my new buddy", Isaac said with honesty.

"You know that your teacher will give you detention", Nile said in a calm tone.

"I know", Isaac said and crossed both his arms.

Nile looked at Isaac and thought that he acted like other boys.

'His skipping his training', Nile thought and knew that Isaac will get detention.


Hunter had come to the mech building to see if Nile was here and was shaking as there were alpha's everywhere.

"Mr. Varon what are you doing here?", Jordan called his name and walked by.

"I- umm", Hunter felt embarrassed as he was shaking.

Jordan tilted his head at Hunter.

"Do you know where Nile's is?", Hunter asked if Jordan knew where Nile's is.

"Oh Nile's? In the sixth room", Jordan pointed at the room where Nile is.

"Can I meet him?", Hunter asked Jordan for his permission.

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