[Ch 58]+(Apology & Getting Scolded+Two Choices)

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[6 Days Later]+(Present Time)

Nile had improved in just six days with the help of Riko's training and Mallory's instructions.

And has been eating a lot and training both physically and mentally.

He felt achieved with his new health improvement and Lucia came to visit him and do his therapy as usual days ago.

[Varon Household]

Everyone were at the Varon Mansion to see Magnus who is held by his mother.

"His so cute!", Clay who excitedly said and had a big smile on his face.

'He looks like Isaac however he has orange hair but he has Isaac's eye color', Nile thought and smile.

Such a combination for Nile to think and wondered if Isaac and Hunter would have another child.

However didn't say it since it's Isaac and Hunter's decision if they wanted more children in the future.

Emeric took a picture of the with Isaac and Hunter's permission and had 5 photos of Magnus.

Riko joined in with Emeric.

Maisha was doting on Magnus who was laughing like a cute little baby should do.

"Can I hold Magnus? Pleeeeeeease", Clay asked politely towards Hunter.

"Sure, you can hold Magnus", Hunter said in a gentle tone and told Clay on how to hold a baby/Magnus.

Nile on the other hand, his phone rang and takes out his phone and found out who is messaging him.

It was Aaron.

Aaron: Nile, I'm really really sorry that I didn't told you the truth, please can we talk somewhere?

"I'm not in a mood right now", Nile lied as he was in a good mood today because he was seeing Magnus for the first time.

Aaron: I know what I did, please give me another chance, Nile

Nike didn't believe in Aaron since bad things had been happening.

"How can I trust you, Aaron?", Nile texted his question to Aaron.

Aaron: ..... I know you don't want to turst me but I want to be a better person and wanted to win your heart, we can start as friends and I will do my best to change

"Do you really genuinely want to win my heart", Nile texted back.

Somehow Aaron from the other side of the phone was hesitant on what he should reply to Nile.

Aaron: Yes, I wish your heart and I swore I won't do anything bad, I just really like you since highschool, I just didn't know how to react about the situation

'He seems honest about it', Nile thought and noticed that Emeric was looking at him with a serious expression.

Emeric knew what was going on.

'Nile is texting Aaron.... Sh#t... is Nile getting stupid', Emeric thought and was furious within but he never lose his composure.

He thought that Nile had deleted the number and unfriended Aaron, his expectation about it didn't happen and he will have a talk with Nile.

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