[Ch 5]+(Rank)

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[3 Days Later]

Everyone was in a room where everyone will be scanned on what their rank is.

Every student in their class is at the Grand Hall of the academy.

"I'm excited", Isaac said however he didn't act childish since he needed to act.

"Yeah me too...", Nile said back to Isaac.

One by one they were being ranked and some were displeased with their low rank.


[F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS]+(By Color)

F: Violet

E: Indigo

D: Blue

C: Green

B: Yellow

A: Orange

S: Red

SS: Crimson

SSS: Blood

The highest rank is SSS Rank which no one could even get that rank do to their mental and physical health.

Isaac was next and went to the crystal ball floating on a pedestal at the center of the Grand Hall.

Touching the crystal ball with both hands.

The crystal ball glows the color yellow.

"Your rank is Yellow", A teacher named Lucy said and she is a mountain goat and a female alpha.

'That's a good thing', Isaac thought and went back to Nile's side.

Other students which were Isaac's classmates were being called by miss Lucy.

Afterwards it was Nile's and his classmates.

He was last because Nile sat from the last seat from the classroom.

There were no S Rank Alphas and Nile tilted his head and thought.

'Being an S or other two ranks it would make him uncomfortable being surrounded by new friends', Nile thought to himself and having an enemy is not a good thing because they will cause trouble for Nile.

"Mr. Nile your the last one", Miss Lucy said as everyone was chatting about their rank.

Nile nod and went to the crystal ball and he glanced at the translucent crystal.

His face was reflecting the surface of the crystal ball.

Hesitated at first but he touched the crystal ball and the color made everyone have wide eyes.

The color was blood meaning that Nile was SSS Rank.

'Why does it feel like a set up', Nile thought as he let go of the Crystal Ball and is nervous as everyone is looking at him.

"No way, his the first SSS Rank Alpha in 500 years"

"How can someone like him be an SSS Rank?"

"There must be a mistake"

The muttering and murmuring made Nile uncomfortable and didn't want to get attention but he got it.

Afterwards... Recess Time...

Isaac glances at Nile who is not eating.

"Hey Nile you alright or ok?", Isaac asked Nile while eating some cooked steak with smash potato on the side.

"Hmm yeah", Nile responded back at Isaac.

He was lying when he said he was fine.

And life is getting more twisted for him as his rank was found out and the many alpha's except Isaac were glaring at him with sharp knives.

Nile couldn't feel their pheromone but their emotions were something he could sense there emotions.

'Oh god', Nile didn't like it.

Nile's expression never changes however his inner self is anxious about the Alpha's who are gazing at him.

Isaac is not affected by the weak pheromone of the Alpha who are eating at their table or just standing.

"Nile we should eat somewhere else", Isaac said to Nile.

"I agree", Nile replied to Isaac.

The next day, The news of Nile being a blood rank spread throughout the academy and Omega's were perked and the public were wild about the news of a Blood Rank.

With the group of three...

[No Class Today]

Hunter is glancing at Nile and Isaac.

"The beast hunt will start soon and so we can collect beast cores", Isaac said which Alpha's are the only ones that are allowed to do it.

"Oh yeah I remember", Nile blatantly said and is not in a good mood.

"Hey you shouldn't be moody, Nile's", Hunter said and Isaac agrees.

"Yeah Nile's your mate over here is right", Isaac said.

Which made a huge misunderstanding.

"M-M-Mate?", Hunter stutters and blushes and shaking in nervousness.

"My mate?", Nile is confused and soon enough he realizes what Isaac means.

"Uuuhh aren't you two mates yet? Since I always see you guys hang out weeks ago and thought you guys are already mated", Isaac scratched his head and is slightly dumbfounded and wonder what their actual relationship is.

"No we haven't nor mated!", Hunter said and had a deep blush red and knew that hanging out with an Alpha would cause misunderstanding.

"Hunter says we aren't mates since we didn't do the bonding and we're still young, what have you been thinking lately and why did you think of that?", Nile said and questions Isaac function.

Isaac chuckles awkwardly and both Nile and Hunter are staring at him.

"Ah.. sorry about that", Isaac said with hand gestures of apology.

"About the Beast Hunt every alpha will hunt the best beast to show off their status of strength", Isaac explained.

"And everyone will be expecting Nile's too", Hunter said and is irritated by the other omega's saying Nile's name.

Hunter might definitely beat the living daylights out of those weak Omega's who only do is to look beautiful in front of an Alpha.

Omega's will do anything to get the Alpha they wanted.

However the families would prefer to match them with their match.

Hunter was born in a family which had no life like the other families since matching was disliked by Alpha's but loved by Omega's.

The loveless marriage of his Father and Mother was something he had grown to hate because of being matched.

And the worst one would be arranged marriage by the family to gain assets or status.

However he was kicked out of the Gartion family because of him having low fertility and thought to be a waste of time his mother didn't help him.

but regained some of his health and the incident of him being in heat was because he was getting healthy so the pheromones were stronger and churning his body and rescued by Nile's.

Hunter now lives with his grandfather of the Varon family.

Thanks to his grandfather that his health no longer declines.

[Thank You For Reading]

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