[Ch 25]+(Graduation+Packing)

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Many months have passed and the third year will start soon.

Nile is excited and everyone has already graduated and is going to the next year.

It made him worried a little bit however he was prepared for his future.

Every student was happy as they had now graduated and survived.... Well there will be less alphas right now that have graduated.

[At the graduation]

With the group...

"Congrats guys!", Maisha said as she brought flowers for Nile, Isaac, and Emeric.

And Clay was visible and since this was a graduation it won't be suspicious on where Clay came from.

Since graduation, families are coming to see their children who are now grown kids get graduated.

But Nile doesn't have any parents, siblings, and relatives.

Clay, Isaac, Emeric, Hunter, and Maisha was his only family that he knew.

And he hasn't seen Aaron.

However he saw him from afar.

'Is that Aaron's dad?', Nile thought about the man who had a serious face.

Nile was not intimidated by Aaron's father but he can't get near Aaron since it was forbidden by Maisha.

He looked away and ignored Aaron as he went to talk with his friends and little son.

With Aaron...

'Did Nile looked at me?', Aaron thought as he saw or maybe hallucinating.

He saw Nile walk to his pack and a kid he had never seen before.

'Nile has a sibling?', He thought in his mind and the child doesn't have any resemblance with Nile.

When Aaron had a conclusion that the child is a sibling not by blood but they bonded as siblings.

It would be the right answer, Aaron thinks so.

And his father Anton's identity is not well known as no one seen his face as the duke.

His father's identity as a duke is a secret to be kept hidden away from the publics eyes and ears.

Back with the group...

"You got a gold medal for alchemy", Hunter said to Nile.

"Yeah", Nile responded back to Hunter.

"The third year is the last year once we graduate, we will get FREEDOM!", Isaac said in a cheery tone.

"Not really you got to find a job and be financially stable to feel actual freedom without worrying about money", Emeric told Isaac.

"Oh man, Emeric your so mean", Isaac said and is gloomy and looked like a kicked puppy.

"I'm not mean, I'm telling you this because life can be a pain in the neck", Emeric added.

"Emeric is right", Hunter agreed with Emeric.

"My love! How can you side with him!?!", Isaac said in a dramatic tone.

Which made Hunter and Emeric deadpanned at Isaac.

"Don't Be A Dramatic Dog", Nile rolled his eyes at Isaac's action, Nile crossed both his arms together.

"I'm not dramatic!", Isaac said back at Nile.

"Don't Be A Dramatic Dog!", Clay repeats what Nile said.

"Clay not you too!!", Isaac said pouted with crying anime face which Nile deadpanned too.

Maisha snickered and had been holding her laughter back on such scene.

It was a great graduation and the ground except for Maisha and Clay had a lot of gold medals.

"And we can have a summer break too~", Isaac said which he nearly forgot to say.

"Oh right, tomorrow will probably be packed since we're not allowed to leave our things at the dorm", Nile told everyone.

"I will be missing you guys, because the third year will be in a university", Maisha informed them and they all nodded about it.

"There are three universities that are far away from the Aubrey Academy", Hunter added to Maisha's sentence.

"Right", Nile responded back Hunter.

Everyone was having a conversation with each other and Clay had been distracted at the gold medal.

[Next Day]+(Present Time)

[Nile's Dormitory]

Packing his things and with the help of his little son.

The other items except for furniture which was already a part of the dormitory.

"Have you put your things into the box?", Nile asked Clay.

"Yeah!", Clay replied back to his father and the little dragon is jumpy.

Some of the boxes were put into the spatial pocket.

[2 Hours Later]

Every student that was second year graduates moving out of their dormitory.

Nile had called a hover taxi and is carrying one box in his arms.

Clay first entered the hover taxi then Nile went in and closed the side door.

"Goodbye Aubrey Academy", Nile said in a soft whispering voice as the driver, drove away from Aubrey Academy.

[3 Weeks Later]+(Nile's New Apartment)

Nile had entered his new apartment which was more spacious and nice to have.

He has to also pay the rent which is not a problem for him as he can sell the pills and elixirs however he doesn't have a part time job yet.

And Nile had been texting with Isaac, Hunter, and Emeric on how they are doing right now.

They were in different places or apartments.

Since summer has started, Nile promises to have summer fun with his friends along with Clay.

Hunter had been texting about making a private summer vacation at a planet a little far that has good weather and environment for them to have there summer vacation.

Nile smiled when he saw a picture of Isaac wrapping his arms around Hunter's waist and Hunter smiling as his hands were on Isaac's chest.

It was such a cute and romantic photo.

He felt drinking vinegar as he was a little jealous of their lovey dovey relationship of Isaac and Hunter.

but he was happy for them.

'I can't have a relationship yet', Nile thought about it and shooked his head and didn't want his hard work to waste.

Clay was looking around and there were two rooms and the other room from the right would be Clay's room.

And the left room would be Nile's room and they started unpacking.

The apartment has furnitures already and Nile didn't need to worry about buying some furnitures at all.

It would be a hassle if be bought furniture.

He hasn't found a permanent housing yet and will probably focus on saving money for his future.

Nile didn't need to worry about it right now as it would stress him out and Maisha would probation scold him for stressing himself out.

[Thank You For Reading]

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