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KAZELAND [group chat]

Kaze: hi

Kaze: hi

Kaze: hi

Kaze: hi

Kaze: hi

yoi :): hi

Ventiii: hi

Ittoes: hi

XiangLing: hi

collei: hi

Kiyo: stfu

Adulte: but I haven't joined the happy convo yet

Kiyo: ihy all

Kaze: *ily

Kiyo: yes exactly, I loathe you

Kiyo: or idy, iay, isy, or iwtmy

Baronbunny!!!: I do not want to know what that stands for 💀

Ittoes: I want to know ‼️

Kaze: ??

Kiyo: I despise you, I abhor you, I spite you, and I want to murder you

collei: 😱 

Ciao: I open the chat

Ciao: to this

deeluc: ikr

LaylaTheSleeper: I need to sleep

NinjaSayu: me too

CavalryKnight: just mute the chat-

Kaze: I disabled mute permissions

yoi :): you can do that?

Kaze: yeah

Kiyo: I really want to stab something

Ittoes: o no

Kshinobu: boss is worried?

Ittoes: getting stabbed hurts okay 😭

Paimon: haha bull chucker's a softie

TravellerLumine: since when did Paimon get a phone?

Paimon: paimon always did, she just never sent any messages

Kaze: bull chucker nice

Ittoes: um

Bull chucker: 😔

Ventiii: can I spam the chat?

Kaze: shore

Ventiii: hi

Ventiii: hi

Ventiii: hi

Ventiii: hi

yoi :): oo imma join

yoi :): hi

yoi :): hi

collei: I think we should stop?

Kaze: no ofc we don't 

Kaze: hi

Kaze: hi

Kaze: hi

Kaze: hi

Kiyo: kaze give me admin for a moment

Kaze: okay?

Kiyo is now the admin

Kiyo kicked Kaze from the chat

Kiyo renamed the chat The Forbidden Chat

Kiyo: there

Kazeland 2 [group chat]

Kaze added Nachos and veerta to the chat

Nachos: you do realize I live like five minutes away right

veerta: I'm all the way in sumeru tho-

Kaze: nacht, veerta, emergency

Kaze: kiyo kicked me out of my gc of everyone

veerta: wut oh no 😱 

Nachos: what do you expect me to do?

Nachos: I can give you a manual on handling friends or managing group chats


veerta: ok :)

Kaze: if Kiyo kicks me again one of you add me

veerta: sure

Nachos: ok wait I have an essay on how to avoid getting kicked

Kaze: no nacht

Kaze: ok now TIME TO REBEL

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