Truth or dare and hamburgers

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Kazeland 2 [group chat]

Kaze: lets play t or d everyone

Kiyo: no

veerta: yes

Nachos: how tf do you even play smth like that on chat

Kaze: videos

TravellerLumine: whats t or d

KukiShinobu: it means truth or dare

TravellerLumine: oh

Kaze: who wanna play

veerta: me

Kaze: k nobody else well too bad nuubs ur playing @everyone truth or dare time

Kiyo: die

xiao: no I won't play

Kaze: haha u have to ciao

Kaze: OOPS *xiao

moramoraguang: I have a feeling u did that on purpose

Kiyo: probably

Kaze: AHEM anyways doing random name picker lmfao

Kaze: @diluc truth or dare

diluc: or

Nachos: nyce

CavalryKnight: I think kazemari meant truth dare dear brother 

Kaze: o

Kaze: truth dare

diluc: ugh dare

Kaze: imma change ur nickname and you cant change it back

Kaze changed diluc's nickname to diluwuc‼️

diluwuc‼️: ...

veerta: ur turn

diluwuc‼️: kaeya

CavalryKnight: oh my I'm your victim huh dare

diluwuc‼️: do situps for the rest of the game

Kaze: damnnn harsh kaeya?

CavalryKnight: elo tupingwih  tors rn

Chitartajax: as someone who practices toe typing he's saying 'hello typing with toes rn'

CavalryKnight: yyp @chutrtajax t ir d

Chitartajax; dare again fellow toe typer

CavalryKnight: jyst donnotging

TravellerLumine: i don't get how childe understands him

Chitartajax: k @TravellerLumine truth or dare

TravellerLumine: um truth

Chitartajax: do u trust me uwuwuwuwu

Kiyo: ew idiot germs

TravellerLumine: ig so

Chitartajax: lmao good enough

Kaze: boomy lumi your turn

TravellerLumine: oo wait

TravellerLumine changed their nickname to boomylumi

boomylumi: kk kiyo truth or dare

Kiyo: truth

Kaze: weak 😤 

Kiyo: excuse me?


boomylumi: ahaha um kiyo which 5 people do you like the most in this gc

Kiyo: if by like you mean tolerate then kuki ayaka kazuha big eared forest ranger guy and pink haired tall cryo sister

Kaze: going to ignore the fact that she only used ayaka and kazu's actual names

'nari: big eared forest ranger guy

boomylumi: lol k

Kiyo: let me do a random name picker

Kiyo: kamisato hydro dude t or d

ayato: why did u use kamisato but not ayato

Kiyo: bc I know ayaka but not u now hurry up so I can leave

ayato: uh truth

Kiyo: what is the purpose of life and the world

ayato: what the why did u have to ask a philosophical question

Kaze: pls speak idiot for me people

Nachos: no

Kiyo: answer

ayato: uh idk

Kiyo: dumb but ok

Kiyo is now offline

ayato: ...kazemari truth or dare

Kaze: dare bc truth is for the weak

goomylumi: rude

ayato: anyways who are ur best friends

ayato: not kiyo nachos or veerta

Kaze: lumi kazu and barbie toes

veerta: barbie toes?

ventiii: its me fellow v-namer

veerta: oh

heizou: did u ignore me friend uwu

Kiyo: ew

Kaze: HAHAHA anyways nacht t or d

Nachos: truth

Kaze: why do I hear loud ass crashing noises in ur room at night

Nachos: its my pet hilichurl

goomylumi: what

Nachos: his name is bob

Kiyo: iapetus

MissLisa: it seems you are a good child <3

Nachos: wait a moment

Chitartajax: wut

dot: hello

Kiyo: wtf are you doing here

Kaze: I decided to bully childe and scaramouche

Kiyo kicked dot from the chat

Fatty hamburgers [group chat]

TheDoctor: @everyone we are infiltrating a gf

Childe: wait as in kazeland 2

TheJester: I see childr has already snuck in

TheRooster: childr lmao

Childe: oi

TheDoctor: good, I need the join link

Childe: we need more interesting users

TheKnave: no

Marionette: I don't have time for this

Damselette: seems interesting:)

TheFairLady: hmm

TheJester: does everyone agree to dottore's idea

Regrator: okay

TheDoctor: anyone not want to join operation infiltrate kazeland

TheCaptain: sounds boring

Marionette: who changed the group name again

Childe left the chat


TheFairLady changed the chat name to Fatui harbringers

TheJester: we will begin the plan tomorrow

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