All knowing

16 0 0

A/N: I used translate for the last names

Kazeland 2 [group chat]

Kaze: xiao is short

Kaze: scara is short

Kaze: kazu is short

Kaze: heizou is short

Heizo: I'm literally the tallest of the people you mentioned

Kiyo: 5'2, 5'3, 5'3, 5'5 in that order

Kazu🍁: what how

Kaze: I'm 5'2 help

TravellerLumine: same :(

scara: you two can't bully me when I'm talelr

Kiyo: I'm taller than u and you can't even spell

Kaze: what wasn't scara taller than kiyo

Kiyo: his hat is taller than me

Kaze: oh btw Kiyo I joined this thingy called all knowing challenge

Kiyo: so

Kaze: I registered you too

Kaze: and a bunch of random people

scara: I'm not involved right

Kaze: lmao thanks for reminding me now you are

Kaze: and kiyo remember

Kiyo: fall off a cliff and drown

All Knowing Challenge OFFICIAL [group chat]

Host added Kiyo, Kaze, scara, TravellerLumine, and 2 others to the chat

Host: welcome! For security reasons, you may just know me as host.

Host: I will simply ask questions and you must answer for a point

Host: question 1! What is "scara's" first name

Kiyo: kunikuzushi

Kaze: kunikuzushi

TravellerLumine: kunikuzushi

heizou: kunikuzushi

kAveh: am I the only one who doesn't know

scara: am I supposed to answer that question

Host: if you guessed kunikuzushi- Kiyo, Kaze, heizou, and TravellerLumine, you het a point!

Host: next! What is "Veerta's" last name?

Kaze: wtf how did you know veerta

Kiyo: duniya

heizou: duniya

kAveh: wait I met her in the akademiya before its duniya

scara: everyone else says it so duniya ig

TravellerLumine: duniya

Host: everyone except Kaze gets a point!

Host: question 3! How old is Kiyo?

Kiyo: .

Kaze: 22 dUh

kAveh: idk 15?

Kiyo: drown in glue and die

scara: 22 obv

heizou: 21

TravellerLumine: 22

Host: its 22! Kaze, scaa, TravellerLumine, you get a point!

Host: next! Question 4 is when is Kaze's birthday?

Kiyo: jan 31

TravellerLumine: january 31

scara: what

heizou: pretty sure its jan 31

kAveh: help i think its jan 30


Host: heizou, Kiyo, TravellerLumine,  you guessed Jan 31 and got a point!

Host: here's the next one! How much mora does astrologist mona have rn?

Kaze: idk 0?

scara: 4 duh

heizou: four

kAveh: everyone else says so so 4

Kiyo: its 4

TravellerLumine: she said 900000

Host: kiyo, kaveh, scara, heizou gets points!

Host: final question worth 3 points!

Host: who am I?

Kaze: uh uh uh uh uh imp pasta

kAveh: idk I pass 😔

scara: wtf how would I know

Kiyo: yae miko

heizou: yae miko

Host: congrats :)

Kaze: they got the same number of pts tho

Host: everyone else vote 🗳️

Kaze: heizou bc kiyo has too much attitude

Kiyo: say bye to your primogems

Kaze: fine I'll steal them back

TravellerLumine: kiyo

kAveh: this heizou guy bc I don't like kiyo

Host: scara your turn

scara: no

Host: spinning wheel of names 🤓

Host: k kiyo it is

TravellerLumine: they still have the same number

Host: sigh

Host: its a tie

heizou: rewards pls

Host: you get 500 000 000 mora, 1600 primos, a tcg dynamic card of your choice, 500 hero's wits and 500 mystic enhancement ore each

heizou: k I'll take it btw lumine I don't play so take the card

TravellerLumine: ooh I want a random one

Host: k come to the shrine to pick it up

Host: kiyo?

Kiyo: my bag is full

Kiyo: my wallet is full

Kiyo: and I already have all the dynamic cards

TravellerLumine: WALLETS CAN BE FULL?

Kiyo: duh

kAveh: aaa how

Kaze: kiyo ur mora routine pls

Kiyo: 1. Burn down houses

Kiyo: 2. Beat up treasure hoarders

Kiyo: 3. Talk to @MoraxZhongli

Kiyo: 4. Help random npc guys

Kiyo: 5. Most importantly don't buy random stuff or give away money

Host: the competition is over <3

Kiyo left the chat

scara left the chat

TravellerLumine: that was fast 💀

Kaze: lol I'm going too :)

Kaze left the chat

TravellerLumine: bye lady yae

TravellerLumine left the chat

kAveh left the chat

heizou left the chat


Host left the chat

Chat was disbanded

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