Spar chat

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Sparring chat [group chat]

Kaze: childe add the peeps

Childe: give me my nickname back first

Kaze: nO

Kaze added (all the people in kazeland 2) to the chat

Jean: what

Kaze: @everyone welcome to the sparring chat hosted by me and childe

Kaze: we will draw a random name and you must choose an opponent, the winner picks the next one

Kiyo: I refuse

Shinobu: sadly you'll have to endure it

Childe: first name Kiyo

Kiyo: ugh @Ei

Heizou: going for gods huh

Ei: wait what

Yae: u have to fight her <3

Ei: no

Childe: too bad 😎 

Ei: you are a threat to eternity

Yae: calm down

Kaze: alr fight fight fight any locals help watch


Lumine: she's alive 🙊

Childe: thats it I'm fighting both of them

Yae: she just yelled no to the camera

Lumine: huh how did she hear us

Kaze: majicke

Lyney: did I hear magic

Lynette: stop brother

Yae: wow kiyo is almost winning

Yae: oh wait ei hit her

Jean: we can see the video too

Kaze: kiyo just used her elemental burst omg

Yae: ei hasn't used musou no hitotachi in forever

Jean: :|

Lynette: ikr

Lyney: wait the kiyo girl stopped

Kaze: she's calling for her ruin drakes

Jean: isn't that cheating?

Childe: nope as long as you don't kill each other no rules

Yae: ei doesn't know how to fight ruin drakes

Scaramouche: what the fuck

Kaze: don't ruin the mood hattie

Kaze kicked Scaramouche from the chat

Lynette: lol

Heizou: they've been going at it for 10 minutes

Childe: its getting boring 

Kaze: miko tell them its a tie

Yae: kiyo yelled I know to the camera

Kaze: darn it

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