More fontaine people + kiyo speaks more languages

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(I google translate some stuff btw)

Kazelane 2 [group chat]

Kaze: ayo fontainers or smth reply to me

Wriothesley: what

Neuvy: I'm not sure what happened to my nickname but greetings

Lyney: hey :P

Lynette: hi

Freminet: um hi

Furina: hi :3

Kaze: k new friends

Kaze added Navia, Clorinde, Sigewinne, and Charlotte to the chat

Kirara: charlotte??

Charlotte: hi kirara

Charlotte: anyone got them info

Childe: uh hey wassup knave's kids

Lyney: hello master childe :)

Childe: why am I scared

Lynette: be scared

Childe: why

Kaze: who supports childe slander

Kiyo: I will always support fatui slander

Lynette: you typed that in like 1 second


Hu Tao: hello people get a 30% discount for a coffin if you're friends with my buddy the traveller

Kaze: hu tao not in this chat

Ayaka: um

Hu Tao: says you

Kiyo: hu tao shut up I'm busy

Hu Tao: aw I will if u buy a coffin uwuwuwuwu

Kiyo: shut the fuck up short psycho fire walnut peach ghost girl

Kaze: short and psycho can apply to like half the people here

Kaze: wait walnut peach?

Kiyo: hutao = walnut tao = peach in chinese

Ayaka: maybe you shouldn't bully people kiyo

Kiyo: I refuse goodie two shoes cryo god of paper

Ayaka: god of paper where did that come from

Kiyo: kami = god but kami can also = paper in japanese

Kaze: kiyo since when could you speak like 99 languages

Kiyo: that is private information

Lumine: hi

Lumine: wait lemme backread

Hu Tao: lumine do not it hurts brains

Ayaka: too late

Lumine: kiyo can you speak hilichurlian

Kiyo: I can say fuck off, shut up and go die

Kaze: not surprised

Lumine: welp can't introduce you to ella musk

Kiyo: she's asked me how to say 'I'm not harming you' before

Kiyo: I told her how to say do die bitches and she believed it

Ayaka: what

Kaze: again I'm not surprised

Kaze: this is kiyo

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