Among us

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Kazeland 2 [group chat]

Kaze: guys wanna play among us

Kiyo: no

Scara: no

Kaze: kk kiyo and scara need more

Childe: me pls I love amogus

Beidou: huh I'll join

Kazu: in that case I will join the game too

Alhaitham: I will join, as I have no other things to do.

Kaveh: hmph then I'll join too

Xingqiu: add me and chongyun, my liege

Kaze: k the code is AHDEUN

(A/N: I'm trying a different format for the amogus with only the meetings and important bits


Kazelol created the room

Kazelol selected color: white

Qiu, Yun, and 8 others joined the room

Die selected color: blue

Qiu; darn it

Qiu selected color: purple

Scara selected color: black

Yun selected color: cyan

Alhaitham selected color: green

caca: NOOO

caca selected color: lime

Childay selected color: red

Bei! selected color: coral

Kazu selected color: yellow

Kazelol started the game

Dead Body Reported: Childay (red)

Kazelol: ugh I wanted to use the red sus line

Kazelol; anywayz I suspect kiyo and scara

Die: just bc my name is die doesn't mean I'm imposter

Scara: I won't say anything

Qiu: me and chongyun were together the entire time

Bei!: we all know kazuha aint capable of killing

Kazelol; true

Die: kaveh and alhaitham?

caca: alhaitham sus

Alhaitham: I assure you, I am innocent.

Yun: I saw kaveh doing scan and me and qiu ran into alhaitham doing tasks a few times

Kazelol: gonna vote mr mchat

Scara: fuck u all


Kazelol: -

Alhaitham: caca

Qiu: -

Yun: -

Kazu: -

Bei!: -

caca: Alhaitham

Die: Bei!, Scara

Scara: Die, Qiu, Yun, Kazeol

Skip: Kazu

Scara was not an imposter

2 imposters remain

Lights sabotaged!

Lights fixed

Dead Body Reported: Qiu (purple)

Yun: I was fixing lights

Yun: somebody killed xingqiu :(

Kazelol: kiyo lookin sus right abt now

Die: I fixed lights chongyun sus

Bei!: I gotta say I trust chongyun more than kiyo

Die: your loss


Alhaitham: Do not make pointless accusations. You seem suspicious to me:


Kazelol: -

Alhaitham: caca

Yun: Die

Kazu: -

Bei!: -

caca: Alhaitham

Die: Kazelol, Yun, Bei!

Skip: Kazu

Die was not an imposter

2 imposters remain

Meeting called by Kazelol

Kazelol: that means kiyo was prob right

Bei!: chongyun?

Yun: I swear I

Alhaitham: I actually find him suspicious.

caca: sadly true

Yun: no wait


Kazelol: Yun

Bei!: -

Alhaitham: -

caca: -

Kazu: -

Yun: Kazelol, Bei!, Alhaitham, caca

Skip: Kazu

Yun was an imposter

1 imposter remains

Reactor meltdown!

Reactor fixed

Dead Body Reported: Bei!

Also dead: Alhaitham

Kazelol: huhhh what happened

caca: wtf??

Kazu: I found captain beidou at entrance to reactor when I was fixing it

Kazelol: emergency who to kick

caca: idk u seem pretty sus always accusing people

Kazelol: wait no kaveh sus

Kazu: alas peace is no longer, I must vote


caca: Kazelol

Kazelol: caca, Kazu

Kazu: -

Skip: -

Kaze was not an imposter


Yun and Kazu

Kazeland 2 [group chat]

Kaze: dang kazu good at this

Kiyo: I told u, your loss

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