Spill tea about kiyo

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(A/N: infinity train kny spoilers also if anyone wants to see a specific character in the chatfic tell me bc I feel like I use kiyo kaze and scara too much)

Kazeland 2 [group chat]

Kaze: kiyo cried

Keqing: she what

Kaze: cried

Keqing: wow

Ganyu: wait what kiyo as in the mean emo cryo girl

Keqing: yes

Ganyu; owo what happened kaze

Kaze: rengoku died again

Ganyu: somebody died??

Keqing: its an anime

Ganyu: oh

Ganyu: can she laugh

Kaze: she just did

Keqing: what happened now

Kaze: azaka's or smth boss got mad at him

Keqing: pretty sure its akaza

Kaze: right

Kaze: oh wait akaza didn't die and now she's fuming

Kiyo: I'm still getting notifs u know 

Kiyo: but I have more anime to watch

Kiyo enabled mute

Keqing: any more kiyo tea

Ganyu; wait

Ganyu: yall mentioned smth about kiyo being like a violent homeless kid right

Kaze; yep

Ganyu: tell us abt 10 y/o kiyo

Keqing: yeah spill

Kaze: well back then uh how do I put this

Kaze: she was like that one cute dorky little sister who swears a lot

Kaze: she's like more depressed and less intentionally mean but still rude and she cussed even more

Kaze: also she was autistic and more violent

Keqing: that is

Ganyu: a strange mixture of traits

Keqing: I want more info on kid kiyo

Kaze: she tried to kidnap cyno of sumeru just to touch the hair


(A/N: image from official hoyoverse but can we all appreciate how gorgeous cyno is)

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(A/N: image from official hoyoverse but can we all appreciate how gorgeous cyno is)

Ganyu: can't blame her

Keqing: ganyu no

Ganyu: ganyu yes

Ganyu: jk

Keqing: phew

Kaze: then she heard her first ever cyno joke and like threw a knife and ran away

Keqing: anyways more info before kiyo opens the chat

Kiyo: I have the chat open rn

Kaze: shit

Kiyo: but I will not waste time and energy on yall

Kaze: thank uh idk which archon I should put here

Kiyo: just be careful eon's going after u later kaze

Keqing: quick kazemari spill the info

Kaze: uh uh kiyo learned sarcasm within 2 months

Ganyu: its honestly harder to picture her without the sarcasm

Keqing: ^

Kaze: true lmao

Keqing: anyways just give all the info possible before u die

Kaze: no don't give up in me besties

Keqing: shut just give more kid kiyo details

Kaze: fine so like she was way shorter than me then bc she was resource and sleep deprived

Kaze; thEn in 2 months she was the same height as me :^|

Ganyu: lol the emoticon

Kaze: k more tea so um

Kiyo: kazemari

Kaze: crap what

Kiyo: what did u do with my almonds I'm making snacks

Kaze: I may or may not have given them to veerta who gave them to amber who gave them to lumi who gave them to collei who gave them to tighnari who gave them back to lumi who gave then to chongyun who gave them xiangling who made almond tofu and gave it to lumi who gave it to xiao

Kiyo: I cannot do this anymore

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