Cryo hypostasis vs desert who will win

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Kazeland 2 [group chat]

Kaze: kiyo why is there icy mist coming from ur room

Kiyo: private matters

Nacht: no offense but i am freezing to death how are you alive

Kiyo: skill

Nacht: what u doing though /gen

Kaz: yeah what

Kiyo: spawning miniature cryo hypostasis'

Kaze: waht

Kaze: why

Nacht: i'll never understand you

Kiyo: desert exploration

Kaze: just bring iced water or smth

Kiyo: i faint within 2 minutes of entering any area above 35 degrees

Nacht shared a file: How to adapt to temperatures (high) by Nacht

Kiyo: no

Kaze: normally i'd agree but the entire house is getting frosted

Kiyo: dont care

Kiyo: cold is good

Amber: woah woah whats up

Amber: why is yalls house radiating ice mist

Kaze: kiyo is spawning cryo hypostasis'

Amber: spawning?

Nacht: that is how she worded it

Kiyo: i think one of them escaped

Amber: oh no i'll go after it

Kiyo: i send kim after it

YUKI: based on data from rkc kim, mini cryo hypostasis #2 is currently being pursued

Kaze: uh 2?

YUKI: it was the second, the remaining 27 are still in captivity

Nacht: im sorry but

Nacht: tf 27??

Kiyo: they die easily under high temperatures so i need a lot

Amber: try to keep them under control pls

Kiyo: yeah no

Kaze: kiyo get rid of ttem or ill expos ur embaraifng monents im frexing to detg

Nacht: i dont think that'll work

Amber: also thats kind of mean

Amber: kiyo you should get rid of them tho

Kiyo: no

Amber: this is cruel

Kiyo: too bad i'm not a nice person

Kaze: ok finne

Kaze shared a file: kiyo embarrassing moments and facts [doc]

kiyo embarrassing moments and facts [doc]

She can't draw

She trips instantly whenever in a dress

She can't do alchemy (which is why veerta is usually with her)

She cannot handle high temperatures

She still keeps thinking collei's name is cauliflower

She actually sucks at honest socializing


Kazeland [group chat]

Nacht; ok tbh i'm freezing too

Kiyo: too bad

Kaze: hurry uo ok were alll drezignf

Amber: yeah i can see the ice mist

Kiyo: just shut up and let me work

Amber: pls hurry

Kiyo: ok done

Kaze: omg its wrming up finally

Nacht: thats relieving

Kiyo: ok im going now don't text me text rume

A/N: im not ok bc of school. im actually not ok

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