The dragonspine story

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Kazeland 2 [group chat]

Kaze: yo rume do u know any kiyo stories where she embarrasses someone

RUME: yes why

Kaze: @everyone listen up to how kiyo is m e a n

Hutao: yes?

RUME: huh ok so heres the thing

RUME: according to my database abt 2 weeks ago kiyo organized a race to the top of the skyfrost nail in dragonspine bc kaze kept asking for primos

Kaze: shit its this one

Hutao: keep talking i want the tea

RUME: ok so she was calmly sitting on the nail and started tossing stuff down (actually they were mostly knives and ice knives) and knocking a whole lot of the adventurers down

YUKI: disclaimer: nobody was hurt as they all made offerings to the statue of the seven and respawned

YUKI: stanley (fake edition) broke a bone tho

Hutao: lmao idk who that is but sounds funny

Hutao: keep going i want the juicy tea

RUME: then 3 ppl actually made it to the top it was kaze (who apparently anemo'd a bit) kaeya (idk why he was there) and bennett who had 2 wishes and 0 primos and neuvolotte's banner in genpact imshin was ending in 3 hours

Hutao: uh huh whats next

Kaze: rume pls stop talking

RUME: ( ͡º ꒳ ͡º) nope cant stop wont stop

Hutao: yess ur the best rume

RUME: ok then bennett fell right before kiyo could announce him winner so oops

RUME: kaze and kaeya got into a fight and ended up arm wrestling to decide the winner kaze won but she cheated with anemo

Kaze: nobody said cheating wasn't allowed

Hutao: true true

RUME: ok but then kiyo said 'i didn't see that so it doesn't count try to climb up again'

RUME: kaze was freezing to death and started bawling meanwhile kaeya fell to his death (jk he respawned)

RUME: then kiyo said 'ok fine have these primos i got it from ur storage'

RUME: kaze never understood until 3 days later and got angry

Kaze: uGH she was sO fuckin SMUG that day i am aNGRy

RUME: then kiuo replied by saying 'ok well if you don't like it i'll take them back'

RUME: the end

YUKI: disclaimer: bennett got neuvollotte at early pity, kaze got iqiq tho

Albedo: wait a moment so that day it was kiyo throwing adventurers off the skyfrost nail and not a weather anomaly

Albedo: damn it my research time was wasted

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