Blackmailing be like

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Kazeland 2 [group chat]

Kaze; oi anyone have any blackmail material on scara

Kiyo: his legal name is hat guy

Kaze: ty

Scara: what the fuck

Kiyo: ignores

Kaze: btw do u have any more blackmail on scara

Kiyo; I expect payment in silent peace for 1 week

Kiyo shared a folder with Kaze: documents/blackmail/fandango man

Kaze: wtf that file is 2 gb and it's only scara??

Kiyo: exactly 93% of all my storage used is my blackmail and special blackmail folder

Kiyo; my biggest file is 6gb on zhongli closely followed by childe 5.9gb


Kiyo shared a folder with Kaze: documents/blackmail/rock man

Kiyo shared a folder with Kaze: documents/blackmail/cleaning product child

Scara: @Kiyo give me kaze's blackmail file

Kaze: no bestie don't

Kiyo: I will do it just to spite u

Kiyo shared a file with Scara: documents/blackmail/hellsend kazemari

Scara: 8 gb??

Kaze: wtf I thought ur biggest folder was 6gb

Kiyo: this is special blackmail

Scara: kazemari ik ur secrets now

Kaze: and ik urs

Scara: do you want me to reveal ur crush

Kaze: wAit nO

Kaze added a censored word

Scara: ******

Scara: fuck

Kiyo: you do realize that I have a special blackmail folder with more info right

Kaze: kiyo do u have blackmail on urself

Scara: are you stupid nobody's that dumb

Kiyo: I do actually

Kiyo shared a file with Kaze: documents/blackmail/cryo queen

Kaze: ooo

Scara: what's in it

Kaze: wait what the

Scara: tell me

Kaze: there's one txt file that says lol sike did u expect me

Kaze: and wait a moment its BLACKMAIL ON THE TSARITSA??

Scara: ...

Tea Spilling Society [group chat]

Hat Guy added Kiyo to the chat

Elekitsune: welcome fellow tea spiller

Elekitsune: we have only those with the best blackmail and also codenames

Chalk: no we do not get along btw

Kiyo: who else is here

Elekitsune: me, hat guy = scara, chalk = albedo, moneysimp = dori, graveyardkeeper = hu tao, waterboy = xingqiu, punch = shikanoin, witch = lisa, dice = yelan, bobthebuilder = kaveh

Witch: codename please cutie we need our anonymity~

Kiyo: no

Witch: primogems? it can be anything~

Kiyo: fine I can't be bothered to choose so do smth

Elekitsune: eheheheh

Hat Guy: bad idea

Elemitsune changed Kiyo's username to Yukineko

Yukineko: ugh

(A/N: in case you don't know yuki is snow and neko is cat in japanese)

Waterboy: also it is customary to spill 1 piece of tea abt each member including yourself

Chalk: it's not but sounds interesting so sure

Witch: I'll pay u extra primos if u give good info~

Yukineko: yae-should be obv but she's gay for raiden shogun, scara-he's a cat person, kreideprinz-he's an artificial human, slime girl-she also has an emo backstory, hu tao-she's not stupid, qiu-he's dating chongyun but keeps forgetting and thinking they're friends, shikanoin-he's the first ever victim to get embarrassed kaze's newest series of pranks from a few years ago, lisa-she likes jean, yelan-she lost her temper once when I kept on bothering her for laughs, kaveh-he's gay no question

Waterboy: I regret this

Witch: but what abt yourself?

Yukineko: since I have no legal name according to law I used to be called shikami by most people before my parents decided to name me kiyo and nobody complained since it's an actual name

Chalk: hmm

Kazeland 2 [group chat]

Kaze: ayo I feel excluded

Kaze: kiyo scara why did u two both go silent

Kaze: helloooo

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