Daily dose of pain

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A/N: this fic takes place in the same ol' genshin world but with modern stuff like phones, also this aligns with my genshin fanfic but only kinda

Kazeland 2 [group chat]

Kaze: @detectiveheizou r u still alive

heizo: yes

Kaze; wait since when did u change your name

Kiyo: kazemari

heizo: what did she do now


Kiyo: where did you put assassin's food

TravellerLumine: I almost forgot kiyo had a cat named assassin 💀

Kaze: lets ignore that I'm bored @everyone

Kaze: share 1 fun fact abt urself first up kiyo

Kiyo: kiyo isn't my legal name

veerta: WUT?

heizo: how come I never knew that

hu: I'm here for the tea now SPILL IT @everyone COME WATCH THE SHOW AND GET A COFFIN FOR 50% OFF

scara: stop mentioning me everyone



Nachos: kiyo what is your legal name then

Kiyo: I don't have a legal name

Kaze: wut

Kiyo: my parents picked me up half dead in the wild when I was 10 and didn't bother to adopt me so we just kind of rolled with it

Kiyo: also thats 2 facts so kazemari your new primogem stashes pls

Kaze: don't you bribe heizou with puzzles or smth

Kiyo: he's ineffective

heizo: how dare you nameless aka fuyuhana kiyo

Kaze: okay next @DandelionKnight JEAN

DandelionKnight: oh well barbara is my sister ig


Kaze: ok btw

Kaze changed Kiyo's nickname to Nameless

Nameless: die and never come back

Nameless changed their nickname to Kiyo

Kaze: u just said u have no name

Kiyo: i have no name according to the law but who actually follows the law anymore

LawyerYanfei: 🖐️

Kaze: ignored anywayz next @Chitartajax CHILDE

Chitartajax: okay Imma give a cool fact abt my names

Kaze: true tho which is ur first name and middle name and last name

Kiyo: his real name is ajax but he goes by tartaglia but his nickname or smth in this group is childe

Chitartajax: HOW DID YOU KNOW

Kiyo: be grateful I did your fact now where's the primogems

Chitartajax is now offline

Kaze: kiyo is being suspiciously active

Kiyo is now offline

Kaze: uM ok next XIANGLING

GUOBA!!: slime tastes good

Kaze: thats not about yourself but ok next AYATO @Kamisayato

Kamisayato: what

DandelionKnight: 1 fact abt yourself

Kamisayato: idk really

Kaze: do something about nameless kiyo

Kiyo is now online

Kiyo: I'm not nameless

Kamisayato: wtv I never knew she didn't legally have a name next

Kiyo: fall in a hole and die

Kaze: aha next BEIDOU @CaptainBeidou

CaptainBeidou: yo also my fun fact is people assume I play baseball but I don't

Kaze: kool ok SCARA @scara

scara: no

Kaze: do it or I add dot again 

scara: ...

scara: fine

heizo: fact pls

Kiyo: kaze stop texting the notifs are too much

scara: fact I loathe dottore more than childe

Kiyo: loathe is my word

scara: not anymore

Kiyo: tracking u down rn

Kaze: rest in pieces scaranara

TravellerLumine: help they're fighting I can see scara flying from here

TravellerLumine: and kiyo is throwing ice spikes what

Kaze: just leave it someone's dying today

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