Energy deinkse

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Hell Union [group chat]

Kiyo: iiindbBs

Heizou: um. Kiyo what

Nacht: she's on energy drinks, hasn't slept in 2 days

Tighnari: that's not healthy

Kiyo: abahhdAVGF

Faruzan: even layla isn't like that...

Kiyo: why am I getting hit with notifications

Nacht: wait what

Kiyo: .

Kiyo: assassin, brb

Heizou: so she's still normal even on energy deinkse

Heizou: *drinkse

Heizou: *deinks

Heizou: *deinks

Heizou: *drinkd

Heizou: *drinks imsorry

Tighnari: pls don't spam

Heizou: im nOt

Kiyo: ok why are there like 7 notifs

Kiyo: I was gone for 1 minute

Nacht: shikanoin typo

Kiyo: energy drinks aren't doing it I need to try directly consuming caffeine

Tighnari: do not I repeat do not do that

Tighnari: it's not healthy

Kiyo: life isn't healthy

Nacht: this is kiyo just give up

Heizou: can confirm, took 3 years to befriend her

Kiyo: we're not friends

Heizou: see?

Tighnari: you know what sure

Faruzan: ahem so anyways go to sleep kids

Kiyo: no

Nacht: yes

Tighnari: yes

Heizou: yes

Kiyo: no.

Faruzan: honestly are you ok

Kiyo: no

Heizou: she's not

Tighnari: should I come over with some sedative mushrooms or..?

Nacht: sadly kiyo fights too well

Nacht: even on energy deinkse


Faruzan: calm down kid

Heizou: NO

Tighnari:come to think of it, why would kiyo stay awake for so long anyways? Nacht?

Nacht: apparently genpact imshin's henshe and zoomli banner were delayed and nobody knows when they're coming, so kiyo's staying awake to pull as soon as possible

Tighnari: seriously, I can give yall some sleeping gas maybe?

Kiyo: I'm still here

Heizou: unfortunately as the one here who's known kiyo for the longest

Heizou; it's hopeless

Faruzan: I thought the nacht kid knew her longer

Kiyo: I'm inazuman stop forgetting

Heizou: we're japanese 🇯🇵🇯🇵

Tighnari: I think I'll go now

Faruzan: no you won't, I'm not interacting with these people alone

Tighnari: right, sorry faruzan

Faruzan: excuse me what did you call me

Tighnari: um

Tighnari: madam faruzan?

Nacht: yeah I'm sleeping

Heizou: one down

Heizou: where did kiyo go?

Kiyo: lurking, staring at the banner screen waiting for it to change

Tighnari: does it change like that? don't you need to leave and re enter for it to change?

Kiyo: no

Faruzan: as someone who's played genpact imshin during the time on those ruins I can confirm

Heizou: what ruins

Tighnari: genpact is over a century old??

Heizou: wait how old is faruzan

Faruzan: that's madam faruzan to you

Faruzan: kids nowadays

Heizou: I'm suddenly really scared

Tighnari: I'll tell you in pms

Faruzan: you two better not be gossiping

Heizou: . Oh. Sorry madam faruzan it won't happen again

Faruzan: good

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