Don't question it

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Hell. [group chat]

Kiyo added Ruby, RUME, YUKI, KIM, FUAN, Elan, Nacht, and {censor}

Kiyo: i'm plotting a rebellion

Elan: I'm sorry what

Kiyo: I'm plotting a rebllion in kazeland 2 gc

Nacht: what made u lose it

Ruby: kazemari had the audacity to call me a rock

Kiyo: actually its because she stole my mora in my life's first financial crisis

Nacht; oh btw sorry for taking the 1000k tho i needed that limited edition pen

Kiyo: just pay it back in a day

Nacht: what.

KIM: aw nacho i'll help u

Ruby: ahem kiki what's the plan

Elan: though um i'm not even in that group chat

YUKI: shall i post the plan document

FUAN: yuki no shut up and wait 

Kiyo: i pulled a few all nighters and i have an idea

Elan: a few??

Nacht: don't question it this is kiyo

Kiyo: we add elan to the gc and then he gets annoyed by the chaos and asks for admin so he can make some edits, kaze is kinda dumb so elan gets admin and gives it to me and i pull a kazeland 1

FUAN: me and kim are gonna be tech support

Nacht: why me tho

KIM: wellll kiyo knows that kaze asked u and veerts to add her back but veerta's too nice to betray mari sooo

Ruby: i have better things to do than this plan i'm not even involved in

Kiyo: follow the instructions or i'll take your primogems

Ruby: wait no dont

Nacht: why is ruby also obsessed with primos

Elan: also?

KIM: don't question it

Kiyo: she's made of a corpse and primogems so essentially primos are her life blood

FUAN: just dont question it yall

Kiyo: is the plan clear

Elan: no I'm sorry what is going on

KIM: its easy to get overwhelmed just chillax hun

Elan: this guy's surprisingly nice

Nacht: she's a flower with a cat head

FUAN: were all weirdoz

Kazeland 2 [group chat]

Kiyo added Elan

Kaze: who what where why when

Kiyo; don't question it

Nilou: hello

Elan: uh. hi

Charlotte: omg who r u give me tea whats the story

Elan: um what

Nilou: where are you from? do u want to be friends?

Charlotte: do u know anything interesting news or smth??

Kaze: ayo calm ur scaring the dude

Elan: this is overwhelming

Elan: can i have admin

Charlotte: um that is sooo sus

Kaze: sure

Kaze gave Elan admin permissions

Elan; sorry abt it

Elan kicked Kaze and Veertafrom the chat

Charlotte: CALLED IT who's the mastermind who's involved 

Nilou: what's going on

Nacht: kiyo hosted a rebellion

Kiyo: elan give me nacht and rume admin

Elan: uh ok

Elan gave Kiyo, Nacht, and RUME admin permissions

Kiyo renamed the chat Hell at its finest

Kiyo enabled leave chat

Kiyo enabled mute permissions

Nilou: what have i witnessed

Charlotte: idk but im writing it down

Nacht: feel free to leave or stay

Neuvillette: Thank you, now I can work in silence.

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