Big words

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Kazeland 2 [group chat]

Kaze: kiyo has a pet cicin

Sucrose: like the cryo and electro fatui ladies' pets??

Kaze: yeah a cryo one

Kiyo: its dead now

Sucrose: um

Kaze: sucrose you do not want to know

Sucrose: actually i am kinda curious

Kiyo: apparently those weak flies can't handle fire

Kaze: you burned the poor thing

Kiyo: cryo crystalflies survive longer than cryo cicins

Sucrose: i see

Kaze: nErds i dont get the big ass words

Kiyo: these are not even big words

Kiyo: u want big words

Kaze: uh no

Kiyo: chronological monochromatic xenochromatic technological tenshukaku dragonspine levitational condensation alcazarzay fontemer scientifical pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis disease aviation gravitational frostbearing snezhnaya disgusting tartaglia arachnophobic kaleidoscope genetical

Sucrose: did you

Sucrose: really type that in 8 seconds

Kiyo: yes

Kaze: apparently tartaglia and snezhnaya are classified as big words

Sucrose: how did we go from discussing cryo cicins to

Sucrose: thIs

Kiyo: we never 'discussed' cryo cicins

Kiyo: what i do in my time is my business so fuck off kazemari

Kaze: girl woke up and chose violence

Sucrose: i'm scared should I leave

Kaze: yes

Sucrose: but she also seems intelligent and knows a lot

Kaze: she is a freaking nerd crose

Kiyo: i am still here

Kaze: and what can you do?

Sucrose: kaze dont pls

Kaze: more big words?

Kiyo: oh i got more big words

Kiyo: photosynthesis superiority uncomprehemsible abiogenesis complications imagination interlude honorifics charateristic omnipresence akademiya evaporation illegible illusory multiplication developmental neural genetical (insert that one longass chemical word) miniature magnitude equator allocation antidepressant offensive

Sucrose: I. jusr finished reading that

Sucrose: i spend a minute scrolling

Kaze: holy shit

Kiyo: i have more

Kaze: NO

Sucrose: pls don't

Kiyo: weak

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